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Draco was nervous. He was standing with his back turned towards the stairs, looking to the distance, leaning over the metal railing. The sun was slowly setting, casting a warm hue over the usual dark Black Lake so it looked like liquid gold. Draco always said he hated it here, that he hated Hogwarts and everything related to it. But it was never quite true.

For example now, when he was watching the adjacent grounds bathed in the late autumn sun, waiting for his...friend, he couldn't imagine a more perfect place for it.

But as beautiful and perfect as it was it didn't help to shake off all of those little doubts he was having right now. That she did in fact hate him. That she didn't trust him after all and that she would not show up.

Draco spent his whole free period there, thinking. About the task, his mark and his fate. If he could change it. He never really had a big word in decision making about his life. From the moment he was born, there was always someone else who was telling him what to do, how to dress, what to say. He could never really form his own opinion about what was good or bad. He was even practically told what to think.

He was also thinking if it wasn't too late for such a big change. But mostly he was thinking about her. Because she was the only reason that was making him believe that it was in fact possible to change. If someone so pure, so good as Alora could believe he was worth helping he couldn't be such a lost cause after all, right?

Clap. Clap. Clap.

The soft sound of footsteps pulled Draco out of his thoughts. He swiftly turned around, leaning his back against the railing for more stability, firmly pressing it with both of his palms. The steps grew louder and louder and finally she was there.

Her beautiful curly locks were flapping wildly around her head as the wind was playing with it. She wore her hair down again and Draco couldn't help but smile at the sight. She looked even more beautiful than in his dreams and Draco had a strong urge to pinch himself to check if he wasn't sleeping after all. Her chocolate eyes were reflecting the now starry sky, glittering like the most precious gem. The only difference from his dreams was her clothes. She wasn't wearing any of her signature colours. She wore the usual black uniform, topped up with black winter robe, the only pop of colour was the yellow stripy scarf wrapped around her neck. His kind little Hufflepuff.

Whilst Draco was waiting for her here earlier he was imagining every possible outcome of this encounter but now he only wanted to do one thing. His heart wanted to do only one thing. It was finally the time when Draco started to make his own decisions and so for now his heart took the reins and before he could realized it, his legs were carrying him closer and closer to her. He only stopped when he could feel the warmth radiating from her body. She took a short breath to say something but before she had a chance he put both of his palms on her cheeks, pulling her face closer, erasing the small gap between them.

Her lips were so soft and warm. They were perfect as was she. And Draco with the biggest delight realized that she was kissing him back. She let out a soft quiet sound of happiness and he could feel her literally melting in his arms. Draco quickly wrapped one of his arms around her waist to support her, resting his palm on her lower back while his other hand moved further into her hair. Alora on the other hand slowly snaked both of her tiny hands up his chest, joining them behind his neck, pulling their bodies even closer together, deepening the kiss.

It felt like eternity when they finally pulled away, both of them slightly out of breath now. But neither one of them wanted to let go. Draco rested his forehead on hers as their bodies were still firmly pressed together, his breath tickled her face as he spoke. "Hi."

Alora let out a soft giggle, her nose scrunched up adorably as she smiled at him. Draco could literally count every little freckle on her nose and the top of her cheeks how close they were and that made him the happiest man alive. This is where she belonged, where he belonged. In each other's arms.

"Hi," she breathed out with another little giggle. Alora knew that this would complicate everything but she didn't regret any moment of it. At least not now and she only hoped that she wouldn't in the future.

She closed her eyes in relish as Draco started caressing her cheek with his thumb gently. His palm was so warm on her face, it fit there perfectly so she decided to enjoy this moment fully.

"Don't leave me again, please," Draco pleaded quietly.

Alora quickly opened her eyes, meeting his light grey one. There were so many emotions it surprised her. She saw happiness, and joy but also fear and doubts. His face, as his life, was full of conflicts, but she was here to help him navigate through it. "Never," she smiled at him sweetly and pulled his face closer, kissing him again and again. She could never get tired of his lips, his warmth, his scent...his whole presence.

Draco's fear and doubts crumbled with the small quiet promise. 'Never'. For someone the one word could mean nothing but for him it was everything. She was here, she didn't plan to go anywhere. Not not and hopefully not ever.

"Alora," Draco whispered when they finally took a pause to breathe. "I promise you I won't tell anybody. I didn't even tell Theo or Blaise. They didn't know how we met and they don't even have to know about this if you want."

"I would prefer us to be a secret for now, if you don't mind," Alora admitted timidly.

"I am fine with it as long as I can have you," Draco smiled at her and brushed her nose with his gently.

"Don't even think that it's because I don't want to be seen with you. It is just safer, not only for me but for both of us."

"I agree. I just hope that everything is over soon so I can start making my dreams a reality, with you."

Alora's heart fluttered a little as he said that. She knew exactly what his dreams were, and he was telling her right now that he wanted her to be part of it for real now. And it didn't scare her as it should. She liked him more than anybody else and she knew that he felt the same as her and he didn't even have to say it outloud. She just new.

When they finally parted that night it was almost curfew. They didn't even say proper goodbye, just a quick peck on the lips, because they were certain they would see each other in just an hour or so. But when Draco finally fell asleep there were no more nightmares or dreams. After what felt like eternity Draco had a long dreamless night.

He was surprised when he woke up the next morning, rested. He missed her terribly but a small smile creeped up on his face when he realized he had her in real life now. He didn't have to dream about her anymore. He jumped out of his bed with significantly more energy than other days.

"Good mood?" Theo chuckled.

Draco didn't respond, just chuckled lightly, trying to ignore his best friend. He didn't want to talk about it here, when Crabbe and Goyle were still snoring in their beds. What more he and Alora wanted to keep things secret. But he didn't want to completely lie to Theo again. He was enjoying how close they were again and he didn't want to lose him.

"I will speak with you later?" Draco finally looked at him.

The snoring sounds stopped. Theo's eyes quickly flicked towards the other beds before he looked back at Draco and nodded. "See you later."

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