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Draco was silent the whole ride to the King's Cross station, deep in his thoughts. His mind was full of Alora. He was using every second he could think about his girlfriend because he knew he would not be able to do it for the next three weeks. Not only he won't be able to see her but he couldn't even think of her, it would be too dangerous. With a house full of Death Eaters he would not be sure if someone wasn't invading his mind. His thoughts wouldn't be safe even from his own family.

He was sitting in one of Slytherin's compartments with Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. Theo was watching him with a knowing smile whilst Crabbe and Goyle were oblivious, talking about upcoming Holidays. Blaise noticed that there was something going on but Draco didn't fully trust him yet to open up to him.

Draco's mother was waiting for him at the station. She waited patiently whilst he was saying goodbye to his friend.

"I will keep an eye on her," Theo whispered quietly when they quickly hugged each other. Draco only nodded and patted Theo's shoulder. No more words were needed, they could read each other at this point.

"Mother," Draco greeted Narcissa with a quick embrace. He couldn't help but feel a little bit angry. He knew that she, the same way as him, didn't have much choice in her life. They both had to pay for Lucius's decisions and mistakes. But his father was currently in Azkaban and as unfair as it was his mother was the only person available to be currently mad at.

"Draco," she let out a sigh of relief. "Let's go home."

They apparated into the manor that was full of people. Draco didn't recognize half of them and rather disappeared into his room as soon as they arrived. This will be the longest three weeks in his life.

Alora's parents were waiting for her at the station. She was excited to see them, greeting them both with a long hug and kiss on the cheek. She noticed Draco on the other side of the station. He was standing next to a tall and slim woman with pale skin and long blond hair. His mother.

"Let's go, honey. Your grandmother can't wait to see you again," Alora's mother put her arm around her shoulder, pulling her slightly to the exit. Alora was forced to turn away from the handsome blond boy and followed her parents. It's only three weeks.

She went to the bed that day with a sliver of hope that she might see him in his dream, but she was surprised by the new surroundings again.

* * *

Alora was standing in the big closet full of boxes and drawers. She didn't see anybody, thinking it might be just her own dream for once. Out of sheer curiosity she opened a few drawers just to find out that each and every one of them were filled with socks. Socks of every possible colour and pattern there existed.

"One can never have enough socks, am I right?" The voice behind her was calm and warm but she still got startled by it a little.

Alora recognized that voice immediately, she heard it quite often for the last six years after all. But she had to turn around anyway, to be hundred percent sure that it was really happening. There he was, with his soul-piercing blue eyes and silver beard long enough that he could tuck it into his belt. Dumbledore was looking at her with a glance full of kindness and mischief, waiting for her answer.

"I- I guess," she stuttered, not knowing how to react.

"You are an extraordinary witch, Miss Burns," he said calmly, nodding his head to the side as a sign for her to follow him. He opened the door of the closet and they stepped out to the beautiful garden. There were blooming trees and flowers everywhere and the sweet smell of them was almost overwhelming. "Extraordinary witch indeed. With even more unique abilities."


"How do I know?" He didn't let her finish. "I know a lot more than you think. For example, how you helped Draco. And I also know why he needed help in the first place."

Alora gasped in surprise. She didn't know how to react. Did he know that Draco was a Death Eater now? That he was working for Voldemort? Did he know about his task? It seemed that he did but Dumbledore didn't look mad at all.

"I know that you are probably confused and you are wanting to ask so many questions. But let me ask one first." Dumbledore stopped walking and gave her a curious look.

"Okay," she nodded, knowing that he was expecting some kind of reply again.

"Why do you think that is important for people to keep dreaming, Miss Burns?" He asked seriously, looking down to Alora through his half-moon glasses.

"Because dreams represent hope and where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again."

"Very good. So you understand why it is important that your abilities have to remain a secret?"

"I do, professor. Thanks to my family history. There are only a few people who know about them. I know what you are referring to and I can assure you that Draco would never tell anybody and he is doing everything in his power to protect my secret," Alora retorted with a bit more aggression than was probably necessary.

Dumbledore just chuckled softly. "Your trust in Draco is really admirable. Let me tell you, miss Burns, your purpose in his future is much more relevant than you think," he stopped walking and gestured to Alora to sit down with him on a nearby bench. "I would like to answer some of your questions now. I know that Draco was forced to join the other side of this inevitable war and I also know about the task he was assigned to," he said calmly, like he was talking about weather and not his possible death.

"And you are okay with it?" Alora asked in disbelief.

"I am afraid that there are not many days left for me anyways," he said almost absently, viewing his hands. Only now Alora noticed the black fingers on his right one. It looked like they were dying and that meant that Dumbledore was dying too.

"I am so sorry, professor."

Dumbledore blinked a few times, suddenly looking at her with a comforting smile. "As I mentioned earlier, Alora, we are heading to the inevitable war and if we hope for the best outcome I need you to promise me something."

"I'll do anything."

"I know that Draco has issues trusting people. I need you to convince him to trust Severus. He is able to help him with his task."

"Professor Snape? Can we really trust him?" Alora was sceptical. She knew that Snape was associated with Voldemort during the first wizarding world and she was afraid he could be a double agent in this one.

"Yes, Alora. It is necessary for the best possible outcome. I know that Draco is struggling right now, he is on a crossroad. I can imagine that The Dark Lord threatened to kill him and his loved ones if he fails. I also believe that he is afraid that his loved ones will damn him if he would do something so horrible as committing murder. But as I explained to you already, this won't be murder this will be liberation."

"I would never do that," Alora mumbled more to herself but she was sure Dumbledore heard her anyway. But he decided not to comment on it. "Don't worry, professor. I will try my best but I am not sure he will listen to me."

"I don't agree with that at all, Miss Burns. On the contrary, you are the only one who he will be willing to listen. But now, if you pardon me, I would like to finish my dream," Dumbledore clapped his hands and suddenly a bowl full of lemon-flavored sweets appeared in front of them, floating in the air.

"Would you care for a sherbet lemon?" Was the last thing Alora heard before the image in front of her melted away.

* * *

One moment she saw Dumbledore enjoying his lemon sweet, another moment she was surrounded in complete darkness and suddenly, she was awake.

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