Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! This fanfic has been a long time coming and is still being written. I sure hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!

I hope she likes it thought Lauren as she ran her hand through her hair. It was a beautiful August day and she invited her girlfriend to have a picnic at the park. Sure it was cliché, but she didn't know what else to do since she wasn't very good at the whole "dating" thing. Lauren saw movement out of the corner of her eye, taking her away from her thoughts.

"Hello." Camila had made her way over to Lauren giving her a small smile.

"Hey Camz." Lauren sighed and gestured toward the blanket and basket on the ground. "I hope you like it I mean it's really cliché, but I guess it's something. If you don't-"

"Lauren" Camila giggled which made Lauren's insides fill with butterflies. "It's perfect don't worry." She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Lauren's cheek before sitting down, patting the spot next to her. "Come."

Lauren sat down and turned to the basket. "So I hope you're not super hungry cause I didn't pack a lot. The rest of the girls are coming to pick us up later." Explained Lauren. She turned back around to look at the smaller girl that was now holding a bottle of Nutella, a wide grin crossing her face.

"Awe." Lauren laughed and grabbed the bottle from Camila. "This is why you're the best." She unscrewed the lid and dipped her finger in it, licking off the creamy chocolate.

"Yeah I know." Said Camila cockily shrugging her shoulders.

Okay, okay. I brought you something too." Said Lauren reaching into the basket and pulling out a batch of bananas. "Tada!"

Camila laughed and grabbed the bananas. "Why thank you." She smiled and set them down before eyeing her girlfriend.

"What?" Lauren had a spoon full of Nutella that she was eager to eat.

"You're just really beautiful that's all." Said Camila making Lauren's cheeks go a shade of red.

"Thanks, you're beautiful too Camz." She said in a soft tone. The two girls looked at one another, admiring their features until Lauren realized that Camila was leaning in. She met her half way and pressed her lips gently against Camila's. Butterflies instantly attacked her stomach as she felt the warm skin against hers. Suddenly she felt something creamy being wiped on her cheek, she quickly pulled away only to see the other girl grinning.

"You did not just do that." Said Lauren wiping her face clean from the chocolate.

"Oh but I did." Said Camila laughing.

Lauren quickly grabbed her spoon and dipped it in the bottle, looking at Camila mischievously.

"Don't you dare." Said the brunette as her smile faded. She started to get up but was pulled down immediately and pinned to the ground. "Lauren!" Camila tried desperately to get away from the older girl as she smeared chocolate on the girl's cheek.

"There." Said Lauren laughing and smiling.

"Get it off!" Said Camila as she wiped some off with her hand.

"Fine let me help you." Lauren cleaned her cheek and finished by placing a kiss on her nose. "Better?" The brunette didn't say anything but looked into her eyes. Lauren couldn't help but stare back, the way Camila looked at her was with so much passion and admiration it was almost like they were the only people on Earth. That it stopped moving in that very second.

"Can I kiss you." Lauren whispered and the other girl nodded. She brought her head down closer to Camila so close that she could feel the girl's warm breath on her lips. She then moved to close the space between them. They lingered there for a second enjoying the warmth of each others lips and the butterflies that were released into their stomachs.

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