Chapter 5

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Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great day! This chapter is a little different than the others. The italics are flashbacks/memories. It's new but I sure hope you all like it. As always thank you for reading! -Alexis

Lauren awoke to the screeching of her alarm clock. It had been a month since school had started and Lauren couldn't wait for it to be over already. She reached over and pressed the off button on her clock as she stretched her numb limbs. As she got up she ran her hand through her messy locks, blinking a couple times to fully wake up. Lauren grabbed her brush and ran it through her hair a couple of times while looking for something to wear. After a brief look she decided to put on a white long-sleeved crop top, light denim jeans and her favorite combat boots before heading downstairs to have breakfast.

Once she arrived at school she found Ally and Normani waiting by her locker.

"Morning!" Said Ally energetically.

"Eh." Lauren groaned as she ran her hand through her hair. She opened her locker and threw a couple books into it before slamming it.

"Rough night?" Asked Normani gesturing for them to walk.

"No." I just hate school." Replied Lauren.

"Oh, well we know that." Ally laughed. "What else is new with you?" Lauren rolled her eyes at the small girl.

"Well since you asked. Softball starts tomorrow, so there's a meeting today that I gotta go to." Said Lauren.

"Cool! Do you think you'll make the team?" Asked Ally.

"I mean I've made the team ever since freshmen year so-" Lauren was stopped when she collided with another girl passing by. Books scattered across the floor as the other girl groaned.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Said Lauren looking up to meet a pair of brown orbs. She couldn't believe what was standing in front of her, Lauren didn't know what to do when butterflies attacked at her stomach.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy. I shouldn't-"

"No you're fine. I should've been paying more attention to where I was walking." Lauren looked down and smiled, avoiding eye contact with the unknown girl as she moved to gather her belongings. Normani and Ally shot each other confused looks, they didn't understand the sudden change in Lauren.

"Lemme help you with that" Said Lauren bending down to grab a book near her foot. "Here you go." She handed the book back to the girl and smiled. "Sorry about that."

"No, no you're fine it was my fault. Next time I wont read while I walk." The girl let out a soft laugh, making Lauren smile. She knew she never wanted to forget that sound.

"Chancho!" A voice called from behind Lauren.

"Hey Dinah." The girl greeted as Dinah approached.

"I've been looking all over for you." Said Dinah as Lauren moved to the side out of the way.

"Sorry I was on my way when I accidentally bumped into.." The girl gave Lauren a once over before making eye contact. "Sorry I didn't catch your name." Lauren could feel her cheeks burning up.


"Right. Sorry again." Said the brunette turning back to talk to her friend. "And sorry for making you wait."

"It's fine." Said Dinah now turning her attention to Lauren. "I apologize for this one's clumsiness, it's just her thing." She laughed as the other girl punched her arm and crossed her arms as shen pouted.

Lauren giggled. "That's alright. We all have those moments.' The girl now looked at Lauren shocked that she joined in.

"That's right!" Dinah laughed. "Just this one more that usual." She ruffled the girl's hair.

"Alright let's go." Said the girl as she pulled on Dinah's arm. Lauren snapped out of her trance when she realized the girl was walking away.

"Wait, I didn't catch your name!" Lauren called after the brunette.

"Sorry, it's Camila!" She called back as the two disappeared in the crowd of students.

"Camila.." Lauren whispered the name, it felt good coming out of her mouth. School had just gotten ten times better for her.


"Yo Lauren wake up." Dinah said as she patted the brunette on her cheek, pulling her from her sleep.

"W.. What." Lauren mumbled as she rubbed at her eyes.

"Come on Lo everyone else left, the guest hours are up." Explained Dinah.

"What? No." Lauren sat up in her chair.

"Yes, c'mon you can crash at my house." Dinah yanked on Lauren's arm making her stand up.

"It's alright Lauren, I'll call if anything comes up." Sinu call from where she was sat next to Camila.

"See nothing to worry about. Now let's go." Said Dinah walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Lauren rushed over to Camila. "Goodnight Camz. See you tomorrow." She bent over and placed a kiss on Camila's forehead. "Night Mrs. Cabello." Said Lauren.

They made their way out of the hospital and into Lauren's car. They drove in silence, both girls exhausted from the previous events. Once they arrived at Dinah's house they headed straight to her room.

"Here you can wear these." Said Dinah tossing Lauren a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"Thank you Dinah." Said Lauren.

"Yeah well just don't wet the bed in those. "They're my favorite." She laughed.

"No I meant thank you for everything you did for me today." Lauren smiled at Dinah as she smiled back.

"Anything for Mila, Lo." Said Dinah. "Plus you're not to bad yourself. She winked at Lauren.

Once the pair had changed they lied down making small talk, the subject now going to Camila.

"Did you really mean everything you said today?" Asked Dinah. "I mean when you were talking to Mila?"

"Every word." Said Lauren.

"Wow that's amazing Lo." Preached Dinah. "You know.. You were smiling in your sleep earlier." Lauren bit her lip.

Cause I was dreaming about her." She smiled. "I dreamt of the first day we met."

"Oh gosh I remember that day." Dinah said amused. "Only cause she wouldn't stop talking about you."

"Really?" Lauren sat up and looked at the younger girl.

"Yeah. Lauren this, eyes that." Dinah said as she yawned.

"How cute." Said Lauren. "I couldn't stop thinking about her all day." She shared. "I couldn't believe that I'd never seen her before. She looked so beautiful." Lauren smiled at the thought. "I got so much butterflies. You know what I mean?" She looked down at Dinah.

"Dinah?" She nudged her arm.

"Damn she's out." Lauren laid back down. "Guess that's my sign." Lauren closed her eyes and filled her thoughts with Camila until she finally drifted off to sleep.

I end like this a lot. Oops. Well I hope you enjoyed this one I really loved writing it. Please give me feedback! I'd love to know who's reading it and what you all think, or else I feel like I'm all on my own in this. Once again thanks for reading, till next time! -Alexis

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