Chapter 2

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Hi everyone!! Here's chapter 2 for you lovely people I hope you enjoy!! Again thanks for reading, it means a lot. -Alexis

"Lauren!"yelled Normani as she threw a pillow at Lauren. Her eyes shot open at the sudden blow to the head.

"What the hell Normani?!" complained Lauren picking her head up to check the clock on her nightstand, reading 2:00.

"It's two in the morning, go back to sleep." said Lauren as she closed her eyes and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Well if you would turn your phone off maybe I could." countered Normani. "It's been going off for the past fifteen minutes."

"What're you talking about, who would be trying to get ahold of me at this hour?" said Lauren picking up her phone to check, finding that it read five missed calls and seven new messages.

"Holy shit what do you need I'm.." Lauren was then interrupted by an incoming call.

"What do you want Dinah, and it better be good cause you woke us up." said Lauren annoyed.

"Oh my gosh it's Dinah?! You tell her that when I see her I'm gonna-"

"Shut up Normani" Lauren put her hand up to stop the other girl, a sound of panic in her voice. "What Dinah slow down. You're where?" Lauren stopped to listen a look of confusion on her face. "Okay.. Yeah.. We're on our way." With that she hung up and clasped her hand over her mouth.

"What did she need?" Normani asked tiredly. Lauren sat there staring into space with a blank expression on her face.

"Lauren what did Dinah say?" Normani said as she sat up to look at Lauren.

"Get your things.." mumbled Lauren still petrified from the phone call.

"What?" said Normani unclear of what the other girl said. Lauren jumped out of the bed making the smaller girl jump from the sudden movement.

"Lauren what's going on?" The dark skinned girl asked, now scared of the brunette's change in attitude.

"Just get you things and get in the car now." Said Lauren as she scrambled to get her keys, shoes and jacket.

"Why what hap-"

"Just get your shit and get in my car Normani!" shouted Lauren worry plastered on her face. Normani quickly got up and collected her things following Lauren to the door. "Shouldn't you let you parents know that we're going out?" asked Normani quietly.

"I'll text her later." Said Lauren locking the door behind them and starting toward the car. The two girls got in and started to drive quietly not knowing what to say.

"Lauren.. Please what's going on.." Normani said breaking the silence between them. "Where are we going?" she pressed on.

"Camila is hurt.." said Lauren reaching up to wipe a tear falling down her cheek.

"What do you mean she's hurt? What happened?" asked the dark skinned girl, a sound of disbelief in her voice.

"I'm not sure. I couldn't understand Dinah she was talking fast. all I could catch was that we needed to be at the hospital ASAP." explained Lauren in a whisper. Normani didn't know what to say so once again they sat there in silence once more.

Fifteen minutes past and they had arrived at the hospital, sitting in the driveway. Neither of them moved, each terrified on what to expect. After giving each other reassuring looks they got out of the car, making their way to the sliding glass doors. As they entered the sound of machines and worried voices filled the room. Nurses coming and going attending to each patient. Lauren and Normani stood and watched as all the chaos took place.

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