Chapter 9

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"Ugh. She left me on read." Said Dinah as she put her phone away.

"Just give her some space. It's what she needs." Said Normani. "After all she did technically lose her girlfriend."

"Fine." Dinah sighed.

"Hey girls the doctor said that we can go see Camila again, if you'd like. They gave her some more meds." Sinu said when she came back from talking to the doctor. The girls nodded and got up to make their way back to the room. They entered only to find Camila struggling to complete a puzzle.

"Hey Chancho." Dinah pulled up a chair and sat near the bed. "Whatcha got there?"

"You know you don't have to treat me like I'm two Cheechee." Said Camila as she patted a piece into place, silently celebrating.

"So you do remember me?" Asked Dinah relieved.

"Why wouldn't I?" Camila looked up from the puzzle.

"No reason." Dinah laughed as the brunette turned her attention back to the puzzle.

"Camila?" Ally approached from behind Dinah.

"Hm?" She didn't bother looking up.

"You remember me, right?"  Said Ally hopefully.

"Why do you all keep asking me if I remember you?" Camila laughed as she looked up and pointed to each of the girls. "You're Dinah, you're Ally, and you're Normani. Did you forget who you were?" She let out a little laugh. "Now stop asking questions, I'm trying to build my banana."

The girls laughed in relief at Camila's words but couldn't help but feel bad for Lauren. Each of them wondering whether they should go ahead and ask about the brunette. After glancing at each other they decided to not go any further.
Am I better off dead?
Am I better off a quitter?
They say I'm better off now
Then I ever was with her
As they take me to my local down the street
I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet

As Lauren looked up at the ceiling she couldn't help but think of Camila. The way that she had looked at Lauren was imprinted in her mind. She sighed and sat up rubbing at her swollen eyes. She took her headphones out, taking note of how loud she had the music. She walked over to her mirror and glanced at her reflection, cringing at how exhausted she looked. The knock at her door pulled Lauren from her thoughts.

"Come in." She walked over to sit on her bed as her sister, Taylor, opened the door. "Hey, what's up?"

"Can we talk?" Taylor was nervously playing with her fingers.

"Sure, come." Lauren patted the spot next to her for Taylor to sit. "Is everything okay?"

"I should be the one asking you that." Said Taylor. Lauren's heart fell and she dropped her eyes to the floor. "Lauren talk to me." Taylor scooted closer to the older girl, placing a comforting hand on her knee.

"I.." Lauren sighed and ran a hand through her locks. "I just don't understand."

"Understand what?" Asked Taylor patiently.

"Any of this." Said Lauren. "I don't understand why they had to get in a car accident, why the driver couldn't just stop, why he ran." She stopped to wipe at her eye. "I have all these questions and no answers. Camila doesn't remember me. When she looked at me it was complete terror, like I was someone trying to hurt her. That image is stuck in my head." She pointed to her temple.

"Lauren." Taylor tried to interject.

"Camila was everything to me." Lauren started again. "She was my happiness. She was my smile, laugh, and the reason I got up. Now? I don't even want to be awake. I keep on thinking that if I sleep then I'll wake up and this nightmare will be gone. But every time I close my eyes I see her." Lauren's voice caught her throat. "Everything we did is gone.."

Taylor sighed and bit her lip. "Well. Lauren." The older girl turned to look at her. "Not everything is gone. Not even close. Camila is still here, she could've died in that car wreck but she didn't. You know, Camila was the one girl you brought home that I didn't wanna strangle." Lauren laughed at those words. "But maybe right now you just need to give her some space." Taylor smiled shyly.

"I love her." Said Lauren, Taylor's smile faded. "I never got to tell her." She laughed through the tears falling from her face. "Eight months and I never said it. What if I can't ever tell her?"

"I don't know Lauren. I'm sorry but I don't." Taylor sighed. "What I do know is that she loved you as well. The way that her face would light up when you two were together, the way she looked at you with simple admiration. It was love. I don't know a lot about that stuff either but what you two had was defiantly it. You might not be able to tell her now, but that doesn't mean she'll never know." Taylor grabbed Lauren's hand as she spoke up.

"I can't live without her." She sniffed.

"It's hard to say goodbye to someone you can't live without." Taylor wiped at the older girls tears. "Think of it as a break. Camila needs to get better before she can think about a relationship. Be there for her. Help and guide her the way she did for you. Is it gonna be hard? Yes, but you can make as big of an impact on her life as she has yours." She smiled. "Lauren you haven't lost everything. You have all the memories of you two, cherish them. This isn't the end, it's just a new beginning."

Lauren took a minute to take her sisters words in. She was right, damn she was right. Lauren hadn't lost everything. Far from it to be exact, she looked at Taylor and smiled.

"When did you get so wise?"

"Hey I'm always gonna be here for you." She laughed.

"Thank you little nugget." Lauren pulled her into a hug.

"You know where to find me. I'm gonna head to bed though." Said Taylor as she stood up.

"Alright goodnight." Lauren got up and gave her another hug before she walked out of the room. She washed up and changed clothes before crawling back into her bed plugging her headphones back in.

She said nothing
Oh, I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh, I got nothing
I got nothing
I wanted words but all I heard was nothing
Oh I got nothing

She smiled, thankful for a new prospective and closed her eyes in hopes to see a pair of brown orbs.
Well!! That was fun. This chapter really is special to me seeing that I can actually relate in some ways to it. If you're ever going through a hard time know that there's hope. Just keep swimming babe.

On a happy note!! I met the girls last Tuesday. 8.18.15 honestly the best day of my life. Well, have a great day! And as always thank you for reading! -Lex

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