Chapter 8

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Lauren stood facing the door, the image of Camila burning in her mind. She had no clue what had just happened. Has Camila really forgotten her? Did she forget everything? Lauren had countless unanswered questions. she was then pulled out of her thoughts by Sinu's voice.

"Girls. I am so sorry. I had no idea." Her voice caught the back of her throat. "Let me deal with this, you all go to the waiting room." The girls turned to walk when Dinah saw Lauren still facing the door.

"Lo come on. She'll be okay." She tugged on Lauren's arm making her snap out of her trance and follow the girls to the waiting room.


"I guess there's more going on with Mila than we thought." Said Normani as she set a cup of water in front of Lauren.

"I just hope that they figure it out." Said Ally worriedly.

"How're you doing Lo?" Asked Dinah as she rubbed the girl's back. "You should drink something, you don't look too good." She pushed the beverage closer to Lauren when she didn't react.

"Lauren?" Ally spoke up.

"D-did you see the way she looked at me.." The emerald eyed girl spoke at a whisper. "She doesn't.. Know me." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Lo she was confused. Maybe she just needs a minute." Said Ally.

"Girls?" Sinu had made her way back to the group, accompanied by the doctor from earlier.

"Hi ladies. I know you all may have questions regarding Ms. Cabello, so I'm here to answer." The man pulled up a chair and sat down looking at all the girls. "So to start her condition is worse than we originally thought. We took more cat-scans and saw that there is damage in the part of her brain called the hippocampus."

"What does that mean?" Asked Normani.

"That means that the part of her brain that develops and stores her memories has been corrupted." He cleared his throat. "We had Mrs. Cabello here ask her a series of questions to see how much of her memory has been damaged." He took a slight pause. "Camila does not remember the last two and a half years of her life. And some of her childhood memories have been lost." He ran his hand through his hair. "She has also shown signs of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Which does explain the panic attack and violence." The doctor finished and stood up. "Girls I am really sorry about all of this. I wish we could've caught all this sooner." And with that he headed back down the hall.

The girls took in all of the information. Lauren had gotten the answer that she had wanted. Camila has forgotten her. They had only met in their junior year, they were seniors.

"Lo?" Dinah spoke up breaking Lauren's thoughts.

"She doesn't know me.." Said Lauren. "Dinah she doesn't remember anything about us." She looked at Dinah tears stinging at her eyes.

"Maybe when she calms down she'll remember." Said Dinah, she placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder.

"She won't. You heard the doctor everything from the past two years Camz doesn't remember." Repeated Lauren.

"Hey. You two will get through this. The S.S. Camren will stay afloat." Dinah tried to joke which sent Lauren over.

"Dinah just fucking stop!" She stood up as Dinah's smile faded. "If she doesn't know me then there's no us. If Camila doesn't remember me then this is the end of us." Lauren's voice trailed off.

"Lauren c'mon." Normani stood up to comfort the brunette.

"No I just.. Need air.." Without another word Lauren turned around and walked off.

As soon as she stepped outside she could feel the hot tears falling down her cheeks. She sat down on the curb of the street and wrapped her arms around her knees. She watched and listened to the traffic her mind everywhere. Her words echoed over and over in her head, If she doesn't know me there's no us. She sighed and wiped at her eyes, standing up to head back inside when something caught her eye. A bright red rose lied on the ground making Lauren bite her lip.

Lauren checked her hair in the mirror once more before heading out of her room to go downstairs. Today was the day she'd get to have Camila all to herself, after actually having the courage to ask the brunette to come over. Lauren wanted this day to be perfect she didn't want to ruin her chances with her. She was on the staircase when the doorbell rang, making her miss two steps.

"Whoa now careful there." Said Clara.

"No mom I'll get it." Said Lauren as she got up, but was too late seeing the door open.

"Why hello." Clara's voice was concerned. "And who might you be?"

"Hi ma'am, I'm Camila." Her voice was soft.

"Hey Camz." Lauren had made her way to the door after her fall. Camila gave her a small wave and smile.

"So Lauren is this your new girlfriend? I've heard all about you Ms. Camila." Said Clara turning back to Camila. "About how beautiful you are and your smile-"

"Alright!" Lauren interrupted, her cheeks red with embarrassment. "We're leaving! Let's go Camz." She grabbed Camila's arm and pulled her away from the door.

"But I just got here." Laughed Camila as she started walking with Lauren.

"Nice to finally meet you!" Clara called out.

"You too!" Camila called back. "I like her."

Lauren's cheeks turned red once more. "Yeah well sorry about that she can be.. yeah."

Camila laughed as they made their way to the park. They arrived in little time talking about everything but nothing at the same time. Lauren was definitely enjoying this time with the brown eyed girl.

"Oh my gosh look!" Camila rushed over to a patch of grass.

"What?" Asked Lauren as she caught up.

"It's my favorite flower! I mean you gotta know this maybe you could tell your mom later." She smirked at Lauren, making her cheeks red again.

"Stop! I didn't even say all that." Said Lauren embarrassed.

"Whatever you say." Camila laughed and sat in front of the plant, Lauren joining on the other side. " I love roses."

"They're gorgeous." Said Lauren, she looked up at Camila and watched as she admired the flower.

"I know! They're so captivating and they signify something I think is so magical." Explained Camila.

"And what's that?" Asked Lauren. She continued to look at Camila taking in every detail.

"Love." Answered Camila, she looked up and locked her eyes with emerald ones.

"Here let's pick it then." Lauren moved to grab the stem.

"No! Don't!" Camila stopped her.

"Why not?" Asked Lauren.

"Cause you can't destroy something so beautiful." Said Camila standing up. "Besides, you know what they say. If you love something let it go." She laughed and turned to walk. Lauren smiled at those words as she got up to follow. Hopefully she'll never have to let Camila go.

Lauren looked around and back to the rose. She let out a sigh and turned to make her way to her car. She arrived at her house minutes later and made her way to her room, kicking off her shoes. she threw herself into her bed and took her phone out.

5:23 pm: Lo we need to talk where are you?

She closed message and plugged her headphones in. Blasting the music through the small earbuds, Lauren let her thoughts consume her.

Wow! I enjoyed writing this chapter! I'm gonna try to update every weekend just letting you all know. As always thanks for reading! -Lex

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