Chapter 3

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Hi everyone! Sorry it's taken long to update, I've been really busy lately. But here it is! I hope you enjoy. -Alexis

The two girls stood there for a few more minutes Dinah doing her best to comfort Lauren.

"Ouch." Dinah loosened her grip on Lauren as she winced in pain, the other girl looked up.

"What?" Lauren sobbed and released her grip as well, taking a step away from Dinah. "It's nothing don't worry about it.." She trailed off avoiding eye contact.

"Dinah what's wrong." Said Lauren as she grabbed the taller girl's shirt, slightly lifting it revealing a black and purple mark on her side. Dinah winced at the contact but didn't bother to hide it anymore. Lauren gasped and met Dinah's pain filled eyes.

"Oh my gosh Dinah." Sinu made her way over to the two girls. "Why didn't you say anything." She scolded bending down to take a closer look at the bruise.

"Cause it's not that big of a de- shit." Dinah jumped back just as Sinu traced the injury.

"Mhm. Dinah come with me." Sinu grabbed her hand and looked at Ally. "You too. I see you grasping that arm of yours." The smaller girl got up and joined them as they went to talk to the nurse behind the counter.

"Hey. Lo." Normani spoke standing behind Lauren, she turned to look at her. "Can we sit?" Normani motioned to the seats they sat in before.

"Okay." Said Lauren speaking above a whisper.

The two girls sat in silence and watched as a nurse talked to Sinu. After a brief talk the two girls had disappeared with the nurse. Sinu making her way back to the girls, sitting next to Normani. Meanwhile Lauren couldn't get the image of blood out of her head. That's all she was able to see when she tried to get a glimpse of Camila. She so badly wanted to hold the small brunette and tell her that everything was gonna be okay. Lauren was then pulled out of her thoughts when Normani spoke.

"Sinu." she looked up from the ground tears stinging at her eyes. "What happened."

Sinu looked between Lauren and Normani. She could see the pain in their eyes, she cleared her throat before speaking.

"Girls. I am so sorry. I don't know all the details of what happened. They had asked to go to a late movie. And the next thing I knew was that I was getting a call that Camila and the girls had gotten into a car accident." A tear trailed down her face as she attempted to hold it together. "I'm a horrible mother." Sinu put her head in her hands and sobbed.

"Don't say that, never say that." Normani reached over and put her hand on Sinu's knee. They sat there watching as people came and went, listening to the silent sobs of the older women.

"Girls." A deep voice came from behind Lauren making her jump. She turned to find Camila's father.

"I just spoke to one of the officers from the scene." said Alejandro.

Sinu rose her head from where she had been crying, wiping at her eyes. "What did he say?"

"Does he know what happened to Camz?" Lauren stood up not giving the man a chance to speak.

"It.. it was a hit and run." Alejandro looked at all the girls and ran a hand trough his hair. "They were able to track him down and they're headed there now."

"Are you serious." Asked Lauren in disbelief.

"I'm afraid so." He looked at Sinu. "Babe." He walked over to his wife.


"They took a long look at the camera footage." Said Alejandro. "The girls did nothing wrong" He took in a deep breath trying to hold back tears. "They had the green."

Sinu gasped and resumed crying into her hands, Alejandro and Normani attempting to comfort her.

An hour had gone by, Dinah and Ally returning with their injuries taken care of. Lauren didn't know what to think she couldn't lose Camila not now, not ever. She had fallen for her the moment that they met. It's been ten months getting to know the brunette, eight of those together with her. No one could take that away from her. Camila was her happiness, her world. Lauren didn't know who it was that hit their car, but she just hoped the authorities got him. She has never hated anyone in her life, but now every fiber in her being hated that driver. Why? She thought.

"Cause he hurt Camz.." Said Lauren in a whisper.

"What's that Lo?" Ally had heard her and looked up from her magazine she had been reading.

"Nothing , sorry, I was just in my thoughts." Said Lauren she looked at Ally and then Dinah, who was now looking at them.

"Look.." Lauren trailed off lowering her gaze to the ground. "You two can tell me as much as you want or as little.. But please."

"Later Lo. Don't worry." Said Ally giving Lauren a reassuring smile. Lauren nodded her head.

"Alright.. If you don't want to.."

"Lauren" Said Dinah making Lauren lift her gaze to look at the Polynesian. "Later okay?"

"Mrs. Cabello?" The man in the blood stained scrubs returned to the group. Sinu quickly stood up and walked to the doctor.


"May I speak with you privately?" He gestured to a glass room across the waiting area. Sinu look around at the girls and noticed how they needed answers just as much as her.

"Actually doctor." She turned to face him. "I think that you should say whatever you need to say right here."

"Ma'am are you sure about this?" the doctor looked around at all the girls and Alejandro.

"Positive." Sinu cleared.

The doctor took a deep breath and came closer allowing everyone to take a seat. "Well ma'am your daughter suffered a huge blow in the crash. She's undergoing five broken ribs, a severe concussion, and lacerations to her abdomen, left forearm and her head." He stopped for effect. The room fell silent, everyone waiting for him to speak again.

"So.." Sinu started. "Is she going to be okay."

The doctor took a minute to gather his thoughts, then spoke. "Okay?" he paused. "Mrs. Cabello it's a miracle that she's even alive. The surgeries that we had to do went well. She lost nearly half of her blood, if anything she will be okay.." The doctor bit his lip. "But while she was in the OR Camila slipped into a coma. We aren't too sure how long it will be till she wakes up but she is alive and well.. enough." As he finished he smiled. The group took a second to process the information.

"Thank you." Sinu spoke for everyone.

"I'm telling you ma'am. I've seen many injuries from accidents, but never like Camila's." He rested his hand on her shoulder. "She truly is a miracle." He turned and walked off after shaking Alejandro's hand.

It felt as though the whole weight of the world was lifted from Lauren's shoulders. She couldn't help but smile to herself.

"Excuse me?" The nurse from earlier approached Sinu. "If you would like I can take you to Camila's room so you can see her." She gestured to a door as everyone got up and agreed to follow. They walked through several doors and down many hallways. The sound of machines dying down, but becoming apparent upon arrival to another room.

"Here we are" The nurse turned around and stood next to the door. "Room 1432." The group slid into the room and gasped at the sight they never thought they'd see.

Thanks for reading! This is a filler chapter so I'll try to give some Camren in the next chapters.(: I'm not sure if this is even getting attention so please message me on Vine and tell me that you want more! @TeamCamren If I get good feedback then get ready for Chapter 4! Till next time! -Alexis

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