Chapter 13

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The girls arrived an hour later bringing snacks and a dozen movies. Sinu had prepared Camila a sandwich, nothing too fancy due to food limitations. They were now all sitting around around the kitchen waiting for Camila to finish eating.

"So, is Camila going to to school tomorrow?" Normani asked Sinu.

"Well I'm not sure if that's-"

"Yeah I am." Said Camila as she stood up from the table.

"Mija I don't think that that's a good idea since you just got out of the hospital." Sinu tried reasoning with the other girl.

"Yeah Mila we don't wanna push you-"

"Guys! I'm fine." Said Camila sternly, Ally bit her lip upon being interrupted.

"Sorry Ally, but guys I'm not a little baby." She laughed. "I can handle myself, don't worry. Now can we go watch a movie, please?" Camila walked out of the kitchen and into the living room motioning for the group to follow.

"Great idea Chanch!" Dinah clapped her hands together, trying to avoid the tension between the girls, and grabbed the set of movies. She sat down in front of the tv and look at Camila while the others joined and Sinu went to her room.

"Which movie? I brought Frozen, The Notebook, Ne-"

"Got any horror movies?" Dinah froze when Camila spoke.

"You wanna watch a horror movie?" Normani asked. The girls were completely shocked and confused by Camila's odd behavior.

"Of course!" The brunette clapped. "Do you have one?"

Dinah gave Ally and Normani a worried look, before Camila would've never offered to watch a horror movie.

"Uh, all I got that's horror related is Saw."

"Great pop that sucker in!" Camila sat back on the couch eagerly waiting for the movie to begin.


"I want to play a game."

The movie was halfway through Ally, Normani and Dinah were all hiding behind a blanket, while Camila sat on the edge of her seat.

"Mila how can you watch this?" Asked Dinah through the blanket.

"It's interesting and suspenseful, you never know if they'll make it."

The girls gave each other questioning looks as Camila glued her eyes to the screen. Just then Dinah's phone went off making all the girls jump.

"Holy shit!" Normani buried her face into the couch while Ally took off running.

"Oh my God." Dinah stood up and answered the call.

"Hey Lo."

"Hey is everything okay? Why are you breathing so hard?"

"Yeah everything is fine." Dinah walked into the bathroom, and locked the door behind her.

"What're you guys doing?"

"Watching Saw."

"You're watching Saw? Why Camila hates-"

"It was her choice Lo."

"Camila chose to watch Saw?" Said Lauren slowly, "Is she hiding under a blanket?"

"Mani, Ally and I are. Mila is literally glued to the tv."

"That's not normal."

"Yeah no shit. Everything's so off, like she practically yelled at all of us, including her mom, earlier.

"For what?"

"School, Mani asked if she was going to be there tomorrow and Sinu was gonna reason with her, but Camila immediately shut her out. She told us that she wasn't a baby and she can handle herself." Dinah shook her head.

"Well at least she's trying to be independant. I mean, that's weird as hell it must've been an off day for you all."

"Tell me about it and-"

"Hey Dinah!" Normani knocked on the door. "Movie's over you can come out now.'

"Alright," she called back, "Lo I have to go."

"That's fine call me later, maybe? If not then I hope to see you tomorrow." Said Lauren. "Bye."


Dinah hung up the phone and went back to the living room to find the girls waiting.

"Finally." Said Camila as Dinah came from the bathroom. "What took you so long? You missed the best part."

"My mom called." Sighed Dinah, "sorry. What do you want to watch now?"

Camila shifted in her seat it was clear that something was troubling her.


"I.." She took a moment to gather her thoughts, "I just don't remember anything."

The girls looked amongst each other and then back to Camila. Ally got up and took the seat next to her, clearing her throat before speaking.

"Well you have to understand that that's what the doctor said, you don't have all of you memories and it's going to be hard to remember stuff.

"I know what the doctor said," snapped Camila, "I just bothers me you know?"

"Yeah we know Chanch." Dinah got up and hugged the smaller girl.

"I'm just gonna go to bed. Thanks for everything guys." Camila ran a hand through her hair. "I'll see you all tomorrow, night." With that she went to her bedroom.

Alright guys so here's the deal. I have the layout of how this fic is ending and all the rest of the chapters. They're written I just really need to edit them, add more chapters and a lot of other things. Thank you so so much for reading so far. I promise things will get better. Bear with me!

Oh!! And I hit 1k on vine the other night! Thank you so much for that! Love you! -Lex

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