Chapter 15

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The day was going by smoothly, school had always come easy for Camila so getting caught up wasn't a challenge. As the bell rang for lunch she headed to the spot Dinah had told her to meet at. Upon reaching the courtyard, Camila saw Ally, Dinah and Normani sitting at the table.

"Mila!" Ally embraced the brunette in a big hug.

"Hi everyone." She sat down and pulled out her lunch.

"Hey Chancho." Dinah looked up, "What happened to you this morning? I looked all over for you."

"I uh," Camila took a bite of her sandwich, "My mom had some car troubles. We stopped on the side on the road."

"Car troubles?" Dinah lifted her eyebrow.


"Well okay then."

The day ended fast, Dinah met up with Lauren before her first softball practice.

"How is she?" Asked Lauren as she opened her gym locker.

"Alright." Dinah shrugged. "She doesn't remember a lot."

"The doctor said that was normal though?" Lauren slipped into her softball pants, "Right?"

"Yeah we told her that but she kinda got upset."

"Upset? How?"

"Like she stormed out of the room and went to bed."

"Oh maybe she's just trying to handle everything."

"Yeah I'm just worried you know?"

"You and I both. It was so hard to not run up and hug her."

"I bet." Dinah laughed.

"Speaking of today though, how'd her first day back go?"

"It was good if I'm being honest. I really wish I saw her this morning though." Dinah pouted.

"Why couldn't you?" Lauren grabbed her equipment and motioned for Dinah to walk.

"Eh she was having car problems." She shrugged.

"Car problems?"

"Yeah they had to pull over to the side of the road and everything."

"Dinah their car is practically brand new."

"So, they could've still-"

"Wait, was she eating anything when she told you this?" Lauren stopped in her tracks.

"Yeah, why?" Dinah grew confused.

"She lied to you."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, every time she lies she eats something to cover for it."

"Oh hell no! Have a good practice Lo, I needa talk to this trick."

Dinah showed up not long after talking to Lauren, ringing the doorbell and knocking impatiently. She couldn't believe that her best friend would lie to her. Everything had been fine with the Cuban Native, she was learning how to deal with it, but lying was crossing the line. Camila opened the door having a confused look on her face.

"Dinah what're you doing here?" Dinah slipped inside without asking.

"We need to talk."

The brunette closed the door and turned around to come face with an angry Dinah.

"What's up?" She asked confused.

"Why'd you lie to me." The taller girl crossed her arms while Camila's eyes widened.

"I uh, didn't?" She walked past the Polynesian and sat on the couch, grabbing a handful of M&M's from the bowl on the coffee table.

"Car problems, Mila your car practically brand new."

Camila shuffled in her seat, and looked around to avoid eye contact.

"So why'd you lie." Dinah asked as she uncrossed her arms.

The younger girl took a deep breath, "I was uh with someone else. I didn't want you to get upset."

"Why would i have gotten upset over that?" She sat down and placed her hand on Camila's knee.

"It's just.." She shook her head, "You wouldn't understand."

"Understand what?"

"Everything okay!" Camila stood up now tears forming in her eyes.

"Mila." Dinah spoke up.

"No! You don't understand what's it's like to have no memory!" She wiped at her face. "To wake up every morning and have those damn pictures mock you! To not understand what your sister is trying to tell you!" She ran her hand through her hair. "So don't give me that bullshit and act like you want to understand, cause you will never understand what it's like!"

"Camila, please-"

"Is everything okay?" A voice came from the stairs, Dinah turned around and her eyes widened.

"Yeah it's alright." Camila wiped her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Dinah's voice was low.

The red haired girl made her way down the stairs, "We were studying."

"Camila," Dinah turned back to the brunette, "You know her?"

"Harper? Yeah i was with her this morning."

Dinah turned back to Harper, she didn't know what to think, infact she wasn't because know she had Harper pinned against the wall.

"What the hell are you thinking! Stay the fuck away from Camila!" Dinah shouted as she pressed against Harper's shoulders.

"Dinah!" Camila ran over to the girl and pulled her away. "What the hell?"

"Camila you shouldn't be with her!" She motioned to the red haired girl.

"Why not? I honestly don't think that i should be with you right now." At these words Dinah's breath caught her throat.


"I think you should leave." Camila opened the door.


"Now Dinah."

The Polynesian stepped out the door and turned around to see Camila's head hung low and a smirk on Harper's face before the door closed.
Nice weather we're having. Thanks for reading, remember to love yourselves. -Lex

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