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i wake up, head throbbing and not having a clue who i am or where i am. surrounded by flashing lights and blaring buzzer's i start panicking feeling trapped.
"hello? anyone" no response. suddenly a buzzer rings and a green light flashes. i am still so scared, scared of not knowing anything or what is about to happen. suddenly the two doors to whatever crate or box i am in began to separate and the sunlight shines in my eyes. i watch as a group of guys look into the box where i am. suddenly one boy jumps in. i jump back in fear.

"its a girl" he says as if he has never seen one before in his life. i am still sat down curled in a ball with my knees against my chest as the blond haired boy offers his hand to me trying to help me up.
"its ok" he says in a relaxed tone i don't respond. i have no idea who i am or where i am and i don't know if i can trust this stranger. the boy moves his hand away after seeing that i wont even look at him.
"im Newt, can you tell me anything about yourself". his accent calms me for some reason. i look into his dark eyes and whisper.
"no" while holding back tears.
"ah! she speaks" the other guys are still hovering over the box im sitting in. newt makes them go away while he talks to me. i began to calm down after the others left. i look up into the sky and see the burning hot sun. the boy stands up offering his hand out for me again
"follow me greenie" he says this time i took his hand.
"why can't i remember anything" i ask since im still so confused. he paused
"we don't know, you'll get your name back soon but other than that none of us remember anything, we all woke up in the box one day just like you without knowing anything but we are managing"
i hadn't realised but we began walking together away from the box and even though i had just met this boy i felt so safe around him. i looked around at where we were and i was speechless. four huge walls around me, trapping us here.
"where are we?" i asked the blond
"welcome to the glade" he smirked

newt showed me around and introduce me to everyone, you could tell these kids hadn't seen a girl before. they watched me in awe.
"whats over there" i said pointing to the huge gap in the wall.
"don't go out there greenie, its not worth it i promise" newt said seriously
"okay i wont but whats out there" he looked like he didn't want to to answer before someone shouted at him to get back to work in a jokey manner.
"this is Alby" newt spoke as another guy ran towards us.
"i'll take it from here Newt" Alby told him
"alright alright, bye greenie" he said while winking at me.
"sorry i was not here when you arrived i had to deal with someone" he said staring at an angry looking boy.
"its ok.." i said still a bit confused with what's happening.
"did newt show you around?" ably asked
"yea he did"
"okay then"

we were still stood near the opening between the walls so i was still staring into it.
"don't go in there okay?" Alby said
"everyone keeps saying that but no one will tell me why, whats so bad out there that i cant leave?" i said slightly louder than before.
as i spoke two people ran out of the walls but stopped when they saw me and one of then started talking.
"hey Al-" he paused "it's a-"
"a girl?, yeah i know" i said interrupting him

for some reason i was still thinking about newt, i wanted to see him again.
"leave it alone" alby yelled at the boy who ran out of the maze. Alby told me his name was minho.
"anyway who's hungry" alby said leading me back to the rest of the guys. i quickly scanned over them but my eyes stopped on one boy.

newt gave me the biggest smile and waved for me to come over since he was sitting alone anyway.
"how was your first day green bean?" he asked with a smile. his smile made me feel better about the whole situation. something about him just made me happy in general but i didn't know why.
"it was good, well as good as it can be seeing as i woke up without memories and trapped with a bunch of guys"
newt chuckled.
"how long have you guys been here for" i asked
"oh...uh" newt looked nervous to answer me
it cant be that bad?
"almost 2 years now"
"what.." i said shocked
"but its ok Minho and the rest of the runners are searching for a way out"
he said while reaching for my hand as he could tell i got a bit nervous seeing how long they have been stuck in here.

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now