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i pulled newt aside to talk to talk to him
"what, what is it, whats wrong?" he asked concerned
"it would all go down tomorrow evening, newt its now tomorrow evening" i yelled
"love its ok its not gonna happen, okay?" i believed him until i heard the words i dreaded most.
"the doors, they aren't closing"
me and newt locked eyes for a moment until i broke the silence.
"greivers.." i mumbled "we need to hide now!" i yelled, i grabbed his hand and dragged him outside
"gather everyone and go hide" i yelled
"Julie, im not leaving you are you crazy!" newt screamed
"please newt" i begged
"not a bloody chance okay, end of discussion im not leaving you alone!" he yelled
i knew he was serious about this so i gave in.
suddenly we heard screaming from the doors to the maze, they were still wide open.
i watched as many greivers came running into the glade and started destroying everything we had built. the greivers were killing everyone, i watched at lease 10 people die before i realised what was happening. then all of a sudden a greiver spotted me newt and a few other people standing there. it charged at us, while everyone else began to run, i knew what i had to do. i took a step towards held out my hands and screamed at the top of my lungs. the greiver slowly started to rise up and as i shot my hands forwards the greiver was flung. i felt extremely dizzy again like i did in the maze but there were more greivers than last time so i had to pull myself together.
"are you okay Julie?" newt asked me constantly when we were running to find the others.
we soon spotted them hiding in the field, the grass was really tall there so it was a good spot to hide.
i was going to run towards them but newt pulled me behind a hut and covered my mouth. he put his finger over his lip shushing me, and i heard gears shifting, gears of a greiver.
i peeked around the corner to see where it was going,
"its heading for the others" i whispered to newt
"what do we do?" he asked
i knew i didn't have a lot of strength left in me but i had to save my friends.
"stay here i'll be right back" i told him giving him a kiss
he tried to pull me back but i ran towards the greiver using my powers again.
i think i was getting the hang of this now as long as i took deep breaths and didn't use to much strength at once i was fine.
i lifted the greiver up and just as i was about to fling it down and kill it i heard another.
another greiver came running at me, this one seemed a lot bigger than the other 2 i had killed, it looked stronger.
i put one hand up against it as i was still holding the other greiver in my other hand. at this point i knew i couldn't hold them for long. i was running out of strength and i felt like i would pass out at any time.
i was holding 2 greivers up in the air opposite sides of me, both of them trying to charge at me and kill me. i was trying to find a way out of this situation but i could feel all my power disappeared, i felt so dizzy and lightheaded so i just let them both go to charge into me, but i took a few steps back so they crashed into eachother instead. i watched as both of them lit up in flames, but not for long, my body gave up and i could feel newt pulling me away from them as everything went black and i passed out. i could hear newt trying to keep me awake but there was nothing i could do
"Julie, please stay with me, Julia come back please, i love you!" he broke down in tears.

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now