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me and thomas stayed hidden until we heard the greiver leave. Thomas then tied the ivy holding Alby onto a stronger looking vine. we ran around the corner because we heard the sounds of the griever coming back..

we spent the next few minutes, looking for Minho, or running away from the sounds of the greiver. I grabbed his hand out of instinct. Every time I heard a sound. I was so scared to move. but holding his hand reminded me of newt's.
"is it gone?" i asked petrified
"yea i think so" he responded
I exhaled out of relief.
until we heard the sound that we were dreading above us, a greiver...
"RUN!" thomas grabbed my hand and sprinted.
those next few minutes were some of the scariest i had ever experienced. I thought I was going to die I had convinced myself I was going to die anyway, it was scary to think about it. it chased us up and around the maze until we had no idea where we were. 
"GO THIS WAY COME ON HURRY!" Thomas screamed at me again.
we turned the corner, but it was a dead end we were on a ledge, in front of us just a wall full of Ivy. We turned around to run back but it was standing there... ready to jump at us at any moment, ready to kill us.
"thomas, what do we do" i was so sacred, the most i had ever been, it was at that moment i gave up all hope of making it out alive.
"do you trust me" thomas asked
I was confused, but I nodded
"ok jump with me"
"thomas we cant.." i I couldn't jump off a ledge we would die. he grabbed my hand and pulled us off the ledge anyway, i grabbed onto the Ivy and held on with every muscle in my body. I thought we had got away because the Greiver was still standing on the ledge but to my surprise, it jumped as well. me and Thomas scrambled down the ivy to the floor the Greiver followed us, we were trapped,
something inside me told me what to do, thomas started running away but i couldn't i took a few steps forward held up my hand towards the creature, doing that triggered something, a memory maybe? whatever it was, it was power. i did something i dont know how to describe it but i held both my hands up to the monster and lifted the greiver up into the air and flung it away from us. the greiver didn't move once it hit the floor, i think i killed it, but then we heard something. it was the sounds of metal clanking, the sounds of another greiver. when i had realise what i did. i got really dizzy and fell back. thomas caught me before i hit the floor but i was still so lightheaded
"what was that?" thomas asked shocked
"i don't-" i was slurring my words "i don't know"

just then, when we had a second to ourselves minho, found us
"you guys okay?" he said in a concerned tone
"we're fine but we gotta go" thomas said to him
we spent the next few minutes running away from the Greiver until we found a place to lose it.
"THE MAZE IS CHANGING ,COME ON WE CAN LISE IT DOWN HERE" minho yelled directing us to one of the paths in the maze.
me and Minho ran down there until we got to the end, but Thomas stayed at the other side for some reason. 
I then realised what he was doing he was trying to kill the greiver.
Thomas waited until the last second to run, and I wasn't sure if he was going to make it.
thankfully, he did just in time.
"julia, what was that you did back there?"
i had no idea, something just told me to trust myself
"i have no clue, i just knew i could"
for the rest of the night, we hid behind some of the ivy scared to death not knowing if we were gonna make it to morning.

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now