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we didn't sleep that night, but when it started to get bright, we headed towards the doors again. I was so excited to see newt I was so excited to give him the biggest, warmest hug ever.

when we turn the corner to the path where the door was, we saw the gladers walking away. I had asked Minho if I could help carry alby out, but he knew I wanted to see newt so he told me that him and thomas would carry alby.
"thank you minho" i said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I ran as fast as my body would let me to get to newt.
when he saw me he ran into the maze slightly. but i instantly, pushed him back out with a hug. i jumped up into his arms and wrapped myself around him.
everything inside me wanted to kiss him. it was in that moment i knew i loved him. i had decided right then and there when i let go from the hug that i wanted him, and i wanted to kiss him but before i could, he did it for me. i could feel his breath on my face and i had never felt happier than i did in that moment. i didn't want it to end, he was so gentle but still so passionate with me.

most of the gladers had gone over to help Alby and weren't looking at me and newt. but when i turned my head away from newt everyone was staring. it was so quiet until minho broke the silence
"took you's long enough" he chuckled
everyone started giggling and i hugged newt again i was so happy to see him. everyone started asking what happened in the maze and if we had seen and greivers.
"you saw a greiver?" chuck asked
"yea i saw one" thomas replied still giggling slightly at me and newt
"he didn't just see it, he killed it" he began "so did julia"
the crowd went silent for a few seconds to realise what they had just heard.

everyone ran into the main building we had, it was used to have discussions as a group sort off.
"things are changing, theres no denying that" gally began "first Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then alby, and now our greenie gear has taken it upon himself to go into the maze, which is a clear violation of a rules here"
"ye, but he saved alby's life" frypan told him
"did he?" gally said "for three years, we have coexisted with these things I know you've killed them" he said pointing to thomas "who knows what that could mean for us"
i jumped in the conversation
"where are you going with this gally" i said
"yeah what are you saying that we should do" newt added
"he has to be punished" gally stated
everyone started complaining and saying thomas should be praised not punished.
"well i ran into the maze, im not a runner i killed a greiver as well, shouldn't I be punished to?"
"julia i understand why you did it, you wanted to help, and you did, but greenie here just ran in at the last second. he couldn't have helped even if he tried"
newt asked minho what he thinks about thomas
"in all the time we've been here, no one's ever killed a Greiver before when I turn tail and ran dragging julia along with me, she ran back to help this dumb shank help Alby, look I don't know if they're brave or stupid but whatever is we need more of it" minho paused "i say we make them runner's"
my face went white, i had always told myself i wanted to be a runner, but after seeing what its like, there was nothing i wanted less than to be a runner.
there was lots of commotion in the room as it was very controversial topic. everyone started arguing until it was just interrupted by a very familiar sound.
it was the box coming back up.

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now