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we talked for most of the evening
all of a sudden a pain came into my head, a sharp pain it was not to bad of a pain and only lasted for a few seconds but when the pain went away i remember something.
"Julia" i mumbled
"what?" Newt asked confused
"i think-i think my name is Julia"
"well okay then" he said with a smile while throwing his arm over my shoulder.
i blushed a little and got butterflies in my stomach a bit.
"hey everyone!" newt shouted "meet julia"
everyone cheered and a smile appeared on my face.
newt and i talked for the rest of the evening until alby said he needed to talk to me.
"when everyone remembers their name, they all have to do this" he stated
"do what?" i asked
he brought me to a large wall in the glade, it had a lot of names carved onto it, i recognised some of them. "you're one of us now"he said handing me a knife. i carved my name on the wall before i was giving a small room although i had to share with someone it wasn't all bad because the person i was sharing with was newt.

sorry this chapter is very short btww<33

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now