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i woke up in my bed holding newts hand, head throbbing, every muscle in my body aching. as i slowly opened my eyes i turned my head and looked at newt.
"oh my god julie" he said and squeezed my hand "are you alright?" he asked worriedly
"what happened?" i could remember what i did to the greivers, and how they were attacking everyone, but apart from that my mind was blank.
"you killed 3 greivers yesterday, and passed out because of it" newt mumbled
"is everyone okay?" i remember in my dream the greiver got hold of alby, but i woke up before i could find out what happened to him. i prayed he was ok, the glade wouldn't be able to survive without him, he held us all together.
"alby.." newt began "alby saved chuck's life but by doing that he.." newt eyes were watering and i could tell he was holding back tears "he died"
"what" i said shocked "alby's dead?" i asked my eyes watering now as well.
"yea, um also" newt began "thomas stung himself, he's okay we gave him the serum, he just wanted his memories back" newt said reassuringly
"that dumb shank" i muttered. how is someone that stupid, getting stung is the one thing everyone is afraid of happening, and he did it on purpose, for what to remember everything?

"so it's confirmed i guess" i said
"what's confirmed" newt said wiping his eyes, trying to pull himself together.
"my dream, it predicted the future" i said hoping it wasn't true.
"yea i guess, what happened in the dream you had the other day again?" newt asked "also while you were sleeping i told the guys about the dreams just to get them up to speed"
"of course um in the last dream i just saw pieces, i saw the gladers, not all of us tho, we were running through the maze and then.." i paused "no" i just remembered what happened in my dream.
"whats wrong love" newt was concerned
"gally and chuck they.." i couldn't finish my sentence
i saw newts face die down a lot when he realised what i meant
"gally and chuck are okay now" i could tell newt knew they were going to die.
just then i jumped out of the bed, my head was still throbbing but it had gotten slightly more manageable.
"julia, where are you going?" newt yelled
"to find gally and chuck, i need to tell them" i said
i knew newt didn't think this was the best idea but he respected my decision.

the glade looked awfully empty. and then i saw why.
i saw a massive pile of bodies of the people i spend basically my whole life with. it killed me to see them, knowing i had a power to save them. i stormed away from them, i knew i would bawl if i looked at them any longer. but as i walked away i bumped into someone, gally.
"hules, your awake" he started talking "are you okay" he could tell i was about to cry.
i tried to hide it but i couldn't i started sobbing when i remembered what i had to tell him.
i fell into him arms bawling my eyes out
"whoa jules whats wrong, is it alby?" he hugged me tight.
"well yes but, but that not-" i couldn't string a sentence together through my tears. i tried to pull myself together to tell gally about my dream.
"i need to tell you something" i spoke
"of course julia" he responded. my heart sank knowing he most likely wasn't going to survive much longer, even though he could get a bit angry at times, i knew he was just a sweet boy who got thrown in here just like the rest of us, none of us deserved to die. gally was one of my closest friends in the glade and i couldn't face it if he died.
"so i know newt told you about that dream i had before all this happened" i began "well i had another one recently, and you-" i kept looking into his eyes and seeing him scared of what i was about to say
"gally you died" i muttered "you and chuck"
"what..?" he looked scared and confused.
"gally im so sorry, im so sorry" i hugged him as tight as i could "i just wanted you to know, but please dont tell chuck, i don't want him to be more scared than he already is"
"im gonna die?" he asked
"i think so"
"im not sure but with the timing of my last dream, maybe in about 3 days"
he stayed quiet after this and i just hugged him while we cried together.

he's all i need i love him (TMR NEWT)(PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now