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Isolde was sat between her parents as the King spoke to them, laughing with her father as they were eating their supper. "Can you not handle your cups?" She asked, looking toward Aegon, who was downing yet another wine since supper had started.

The Queen looked between the two as she waited for her son's answer. "I see you do not share my fondness for wine," Aegon says as he sets the cup down and leans forward. "I prefer being understood when I speak. Perhaps you do not share my sentiment." She says, smiling at him.

She felt a hand grab her wrist, and she saw her Mother giving her a look to quiet down. "Mayhaps she could help him be respectable." The King jested, making Aegon roll his eyes as he leaned back into his seat.

"Are we certain of this match?" The Queen finally spoke, making Isolde look at her. Alicent looked at the girl, who gave her a soft smile before she looked back toward Viserys, who was smiling at the girl.

"Of course. They shall be betrothed." Those were the last words the King said before attempting to stand, and her parents stood along with the Queen. She stayed seated as she watched Aegon closely.

She squinted her eyes as she noticed a sense of disgust when his father spoke to him or of him. She heard the doors close behind them, leaving a guard outside. "May I speak plainly?" She asked as she leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table.

"Of course, my lady," Aegon said, grabbing his cup and leaning forward to match her position. "Do you not agree to this match?" She asks, making him laugh and take a sip from his cup.

"What would make you say that?" He asked as he looked into her eyes as she stared with an unreadable expression. "When your father speaks of it, you appear disgusted. Have I might have done something?" She asked, feigning insecurity as she watched him shake his head.

"You have done nothing. My father does not have a single idea of what I would want. But you." He paused, looking at her and making her tilt her head. "Seem like a fine lady, and I shall not say I am displeased." He told her, making her smile.

"You shall excuse me. I will retire to my chambers, My prince." She tells him, standing to her feet as another servant fills his cup. She turned on her heel and walked toward the door, feeling his eyes watch.

As the door opened, she walked down the corridor, seeing one of the maids she had come to befriend. Her name is Celia, and She was from the grounds of King's Landing. Instead of shouting her name, she lifted her dress and ran toward her.

"Celia!" She whispered as she stopped just behind the girl. "My lady!" Celia shouted as she jumped and turned, seeing her newest friend. "Accompany me to my quarters?" She asked as Celia put her head down, following her lady.

As they reached her chambers, she turned, finally hearing the door close. "He said I seem a fine lady!" She told her friend, smiling widely and doing a jump. "Who are we speaking of?" Celia asked, not knowing if it was the Prince of King.

"The Prince, of course. Though we are betrothed." Isolde told her, finally sitting down while Celia walked toward her. "Be comfortable, Celia, and have a seat," Isolde told her, waving her to the chair beside her.

"I am to wed a Prince. Only as a girl could I dream of this." Isolde said while Celia twiddled with her thumbs before saying, "May I-" Celia started, making Isolde nod, knowing what she was going to say.

"Is he not a drunk?" Celia whispered, knowing the guard outside the door could listen. "That could change with time though at times..." She trailed off, not revealing much, making Celia's eyes widen.

"He could do things while drunk," Celia asked in apparent concern for her lady. "I shall be fine. Never worry for me." Isolde said, reaching for the maid's hands. "We shall be safe and cared for."


𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 / 𝗔.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now