My Big Werewolf Family

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Okay, so I know most people would yell at someone like me for starting another story when I haven't even finished my first couple, but I'm hoping y'all who read this aren't most people. Lately I've been reading a bunch of werewolf stories on Wattpad and I've been dying to write my own version of one, so to keep this Author's Note short.....Just read the story!


(Kennie's POV)

Most people would call "sleeping in so that I don't have to take my medications" crazy, or stupid, but I call it "getting a break".

I hate taking my medications. You see, I have a ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Asthma, OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), and I'm a major Klutz, (I'm in and out of the hospital a lot). All that means is I take my fair share of medications and I have to carry an inhaler everywhere I go.

You'd think someone who has all these problems would get some slack when it came to being the outcast in their family, but you're wrong. I have a BIG family, and I'm the only living full human in it.

My name's Kennie Arizmendi, and everyone in my family is a werewolf.

 Let me see if you can keep up....

It all starts in the early 1800s with my great grandfather Izahas Arizmendi. Izahas was born in Guerrero, Mexico and raised as a soon-to-be alpha. Izahas didn't want to be alpha, though, so he handed the role down to his little brother Henry, and set out on an adventure.

Izahas bought a large boat, strong and fast, and made out of good material. Izahas knew he was up for a long trip to America, so he packed for what he thought would be the worst. When Izahas was ready he set out to America.

Three days passed and Izahas was beginning to worry that he wouldn't make it, but that wouldn't last long. Izahas was at the reigns of his boat when suddenly it lurched to the right by a great force, or better yet, a great white. Izahas cursed the beast, and after throwing a large piece of meat far out into the ocean the shark left him alone.

Izahas had found he had been off course and that the beast had knocked his ship back in the right direction. He prayed to the moon goddess every night for two weeks, thanking her for not letting him get off track and for keeping him going in the right direction. Fifteen days Izahas sailed, and on the Sixteenth day he saw the land. He sailed to the land and when he docked at a small coastal colony he discovered he was in what would soon be California.

Izahas made friends with local spanish colonists and they gave him a horse and supplies, and Izahas road off to find settlement.

After three weeks of riding his new stallion he came upon a small town on the eastern boarder of what wasn't yet Washington. Izahas met his mate Bella, my great grandmother, here. He courted Bella and they settled into a small town, but after a few years here he felt like he was not where he belonged, so then Bella and him road North to find a place just for them.

Izahas and Bella came across a small pack in Canada, and they thought it'd be the perfect place for them to live their life. Naturally, though, Izahas was an alpha at heart and he couldn't join the pack in Canada, so Izahas and Bella road Northwest. Eventually they came across a small settlement called Sades. Izahas felt right here and soon Bella gave birth to Sasha Arizmendi, and a few years later Mona Arizmendi.

The small family started the Arca de Luna (Ark of Moon) Pack.

Many years later Bella grew sick and it crushed Izahas to see her like this, but he stayed strong until Bella died. Izahas put all his strength into raising his daughters.

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