The Mourning Of A Goddess

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(Daniel's Pov)

"Daniel?" I heard her beautiful voice reverberate against my face.

She was alive!

I pulled back to see her eyes open in confusion. "Kennie! Oh baby you're alive!" I pulled her back into me and held her tight with no intention of letting her go. The life inside her radiated and filled the space around us in a feeling of warmth and comfort. Darton started crying with happiness. He excused himself and ran out of the room to check on the battle outside.

Kennie pulled away to look at me she held my face in her hands and looked it over as if she had never seen it before. "I'm not in pain anymore." She said astonished. She smiled brighter than I'd ever seen and tears filled her eyes and she brought my face to hers for a kiss so overdue that I couldn't remember ever feeling so happy or fulfilled. Everything I had ever wanted or needed I'd almost lost and because of Darton and Henry I had her in my arms and I'd never let her go again.

A voice cleared from the doorway and it was Alpha Rafael. "We've killed their leader and most of his followers. The rest have retreated," He said before leaving us alone again. He looked in shock a blank expression on his face as if what he'd just gone through was hell and back. I lifted Kennie in my arms and she gripped me tightly her wolf sensing the same thing as mine. I brought her to the window and stood her on her feet to look out with me.

What we saw would haunt us for the rest of our lives.

Hundreds of bodies laid out in the distance. Wolf and vampire blood had painted the field red and in the distance the cries of surviving wolves mourning their loved ones made the scene eerie and it broke my heart. I looked to see Kennie's reaction and to comfort her but her face was crumpled in sorrow she cried out in pain and for a moment I thought she was dying again but Kennie's heart was breaking into a million pieces for all of the wolves we'd lost.

She broke away from my arms and avoided my attempts to comfort her. She ran out of the room and out onto the edge of the field. I followed her and caught her as she fell at the sight. I had been gifted my mate back but the loss of the war to save her might have stolen her away from me.

Kennie hadn't spoken for days. I only knew she was okay because she hadn't left our bed since we got home. I never liked to leave her side but my father had been killed along with two of Kennie's cousins and three of her uncles and two of her aunts. Worse yet she'd lost her mother and I could tell her grief went further than just them. She cried for every wolf we'd lost that day. Somewhere inside her she'd felt the connection to each of those wolves break even though she'd never known most of them.

I had arrangements to make for my father's funeral. I showered and dressed before making Kennie some breakfast and taking it up to her so she could eat in bed. She wasn't eating much but I knew she was hungry. I could feel it when I was close to her. She only ate enough to keep her strong.

Strength was what we all needed now. Packs across the continent were mourning their dead and ours was no exception. A grand funeral was going to take place tomorrow for all of the pack's deceased. I'd hoped Kennie would attend but when I brought it up she'd refused to go and began to cry again. I wanted some closure for her. I wanted to help her and heal her of all of her pain but once again all I could do was be there for her.

The town had suffered a lot of damage after the vampire's had first attacked. We'd managed to cover the evidence of the main battle from sight of the humans. It helped that there was a pack working to dispose of all the evidence. A pack had also accompanied us home to help rebuild our homes. The werewolf community had been greatly impacted by the battle and it seemed that wherever I went or whoever I talked to seemed to be there to lend a helping hand.

It was a beautiful thing.

I reached my mother's house soon after leaving mine and saw that Darton had come to pay his respects. I owed Darton everything and when I saw him I hugged him firmly. He and I were destined to spend the rest of our lives protecting Kennie and I looked forward to it. Darton was a good man who adored Kennie and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

It seemed the world had returned to normal the morning of the funeral. I left Kennie in bed with a note that said I'd left her breakfast in the fridge and laid out some clothes for her if she felt like coming to the wake later. I met up with my mom for coffee before driving her out to the spot where the funeral would take place.
When we arrived the whole atmosphere was filled with the celebration of the lives of the loved ones we'd lost. The clearing we'd chosen was filled with arizmendis and members of other packs distant and local.

Alpha Rafael sensed my presence and made his way over to my mother and me. He gave our surroundings a look over before frowning, "She still not talking?" he asked.

I went to respond when a small hand slipped into mine filling me from head to toe with happiness. Kennie spoke before I could, "I think talking is least I could do," She leaned up and kissed me. Turning to the Alpha Kennie smiled with he brightest smile I'd ever seen, "Shall we?" she gestured for Rafael to walk and talk with her. She held a knew persona. As I watched her walk ahead of me me I could see the power she carried gracefully emanating from her. "What a beautiful day."

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