Pack-ing Power

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OK I know I shouldn't have put this story on hold considering I added a ton of stories to my profile (and then like took them all down) but it was getting increasingly hard to write. I'm only taking it off hold because I feel like I owe it to some of you to continue on with this story even if it doesn't have a LOT of reads. However it would make me feel more inclined to update if I got more feedback from readers. I want to know what you think, I really do, and a vote every now and then wouldn't hurt. Heck! It'd make my day if you did, so don't be shy, if you hate a certain part of the story or have suggestions, fill free to voice those opinions. :) Anyways, have a nice day and I hope you enjoy this extra-long chapter!



(Darton's POV)

So many werewolves. So much commotion. So much responsibility being dumped on me. Daniel seems to think I've got it in me to help prep and guide​ these packs. I am no beta! I barely have any doctor experience, my dad never took it upon himself to teach me anything. I wish I could just leave these wolves and be with Kennie in her time of need, but no! The doctor keeps coming up to me with painful updates on her condition and I fear she'll be dead before the vampires can attack.

Betas and Alphas keep asking for updates from Daniel, or on Kennie, and I can only tell them what little I know about either. I'm not eating and I'm hardly managing these emotions. The only thing holding me together right now is Kennie and the idea of her getting through this. I think the idea of Kennie at all is what's keeping all of the wolves together. Some packs have been at war since before my pack was even an idea, and here they are around me working together peacefully to help Kennie. I did find motivation in that some things were so beyond me and my small life that my worry added less to the pot than my work.

A young kid runs up to me and before I have time to register who he is my waist is wrapped up in his little arms. The familiar smell of my family engulfs me. And in the distance I can see the collection of them coming toward me. I haven't seen them in so long their faces made the aches in my arms disintegrate. My mother reaches me next and wraps her arms around me. She looked like she had been through so much. I felt like the world had been turned over on all of us and it was on the verge of ending before our eyes.

The rest of the family came to greet me surrounding me in loving embraces. Alpha was the last to greet me. He gave me a sad look before asking "Where is she?"

Kennie was less than twenty feet away from me and I knew better than to let everyone see her. No one deserved to watch her die but I knew Kennie would want to see her parents at least once more.

I took Alpha and Kennie's parents inside to see Kennie. I worried what would happen when they'd see her. She'd broken my heart over and over again so many times I didn't want to watch it happen to anyone else. I opened the door slowly. Hearing Kennie's whimpers from inside I looked back at her parents with concern.

(Kennie's POV)

I could smell them from here. I knew it was my parents. I opened my eyes to see Darton letting them in to see me. I looked a wreck and when my mother saw me she started to cry I was sure I looked like a corpse laid out before them.

I struggled to greet them. Alpha Rafael walked in with his head bowed. He took post at the end of my bed and watched my parents carefully. I could tell their pain was shared across the link. I opened my cramped fist to take my mother's hand. The best I could give her was a squeeze of reassurance. I felt my heart break for her and at the same moment physical pain burst in my chest and my heart seemed to stop for a moment before usteadily beating again. I knew the end was near and that only time would tell if this curse would rip me apart from the inside out.

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