Bad Timing

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I AM LOVING IT!!!!!!! I have an incredible amount of reads on my story, I mean a little over 700 may not seam like a lot, but considering I didn't have more than five reads for like two months strait.....I AM LOVING IT!!!!!! So to all my wonderful readers, however many there are, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading even this far into my story. I would cry, but I'm too lazy to get up off my butt and get a tissue to wipe away my tears, so......THANKS!!!! AND VOTE, OR GIVE YOUR OPINION ON MY STORY!!!!!!!!


(Kenie's POV)

Bright lights are passing by, and my legs are elevated. Someone's breathing, someone's moaning, and my butt is vibrating like I'm in a car-

That's when the dots connect and I realize I'm in pain, or more like I'm not....

I can smell Daniel and Darton, and there's a hint of metallic that tell's me someone, or more than one person is bleeding in this car. I blink open my eyes, but it's hard with these street lights flashing above my eyes every other second. Eventually my eyes adjust and I can stare up at the twinkling stars. The pain from before though reminds me I'm not alone and I don't have time to stargaze. I move my hand to prop my self up, wondering what had happened, but a voice speaks through the link weakly, Don't try to sit up you hit your head. Their pack doctor healed you, but you didn't wake up- Daniel got choked up and I could hear him intake a sharp breath just as the small pain I was feeling in my stomach increased.

Daniel continued though, his voice raising as I tried to look at him, Don't move! I don't want you to hurt yourself. Just stay laying down. He sounded in pain and it made my chest ache to know he'd been hurt sometime between now and the moment we were stuck between vampires to the north and south. I was so sure we were going to die.

Are you okay? What happened? How's Darton? Where are we going? I threw him a lot of questions I was sure he'd have a hard time answering, but having Arazmendi blood in me meant I asked a lot of questions.

A soft and familiar hand came to a calm rest on my cave and sent sparks up my leg making me calm but also raising my heartbeat. I'm fine.... that's all I got before he let out a loud groan and his pain intensified.

No you're not! I felt a tears stream down my face and with a loud growl from my wolf I shot strait up in and immediately addressed my mate.

First I saw the bloody wounds on his bare stomach. Then I saw how pale he was, ghostly pale to the point I barely recognized him. Then I noticed the pain in his bloodshot eyes that bore deeply into mine.

I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his neck and bring him into me. He groaned in pain and I felt it and I pulled away reluctantly. I knew I was crying, and that he didn't want me to let go, but I needed to see that the wound was healing- that he'd be okay.

He didn't talk as I moved his right hand away from the gashes on his stomach, he didn't flinch as I poked the flesh, and when I pulled myself to sit on his lap to get a closer look at the slow healing wound he didn't make a move to touch me, him knowing the tension in me was tighter than ever. I wouldn't stop crying, I was silent though, as not to wake the other sleeping passengers. The guy in the passenger seat wouldn't stop moaning, but I was sure he wasn't fully conscious.

My wolf was frantic as she growled at me to kiss him and mate with him, but I was too distraught myself to listen to her. I kept watching the wounds and praying that they'd heal faster. He wasn't bleeding fast, but he wasn't healing fast enough. Then out of no where as I wondered what I could do to make his wound heal faster my wolf cried at me, Kiss him! Kiss his wound! I had no time to argue as she took over and in one slow and gentle movement guided my right hand to lower my stance, my left hand to rest comfortably on his not wounded side, and my forehead to make soft contact with his chest before my lips pressed against the gash. I didn't taste the blood, but I felt my wolf's release and his intake of energy in the one kiss, and when I pulled back the blood was gone and the wound was healed.

As if by magic I'd healed my mate and my whole body collapsed into his arms. He still didn't speak or even make a sound, but his muscular arms pulled me to his chest and suddenly my tension was loosened as I tucked my face into his neck.

I wasn't worried that my mate was in pain anymore, so naturally I took in other aspects of my surroundings. Darton was asleep in the seat behind us in the old catty, and two other men were in the front seats. The one driving looked like the guy who'd been beside Henry when I'd first seen him, so I was sure we were still in Mexico. Daniel's long arms were wrapped around my abdomen and my thighs holding me in a sort of cradling position, so naturally I noticed I was only in a very baggy T-shirt that covered a majority of my body I blushed, but ignored the fact when Daniel hugged me closer to his body.

The tension increased again and I felt like I had a fever all of a sudden. Almost instantly the car stopped and the driver hopped out wordlessly and strolled around the front of the car.

We were at the border.

My eyes widened in worry and fear that we wouldn't be let through to go to wherever it was we were supposed to go. I didn't have my papers.

The man strolled up to the other guy propped up in the booth and exchanged a few Spanish words before the booth guy opened the gate.

The man strolled back around the car and hopped in the driver's seat and pulled on through.


Sorry it's short, but it's filler and it is leading up to the main reveal to the climax so please don't hate me I wrote this in class so I could've got in trouble for writing this, but that's just how much I love you guys!!!! Shout out to nessie_killz for giving me amazing feedback and making my day! :D If y'all think of a good list of actors please message me because I'm hopeless when it comes to actor list. Plus I'd like to let those who are reading this second author's note that you are all amazing no matter what anyone says, you are beautiful :D

Sorry there's so much authors notes stuffs!

Lotz ofz luvz fromz



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