Runnaway Human

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Comment your opinions, I know the story's slow but I have a process so just be patient my fellow Wattpaders. LOL "Wattpaders?" I hope the term spreads! AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!!!


(Kennie's POV)

In my current grogginess I could faintly remember dragging myself upstairs, successfully not falling and hurting myself, and then collapsing on my large, warm, cozy, Inviting.... "Kennie!" My sister Alex yells interupting me, and soon loud bangs on my locked bedroom door drive me to respond.

"Alex! What is it?" I yell at her with a forgiving tone, because I understand what she's going through at the great age of twelve and I forgive her for waking me up this early.

"Gabriel wont leave me alone!" She yells and I can't help but take credit for her strong vocal chords.

"Where's Mom when you need her?" I mumble forgetting that I live in a house filled with werewolves.

"Mom and Dad left for an important pack meeting. No kids aloud." My sister grumbles.

I groggily sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I stalk over to the door resisting the urge to clean the mess in my room. I unlock the door and walk out of my comforting room. I push my sister and my devil of a little brother, Gabe, out of the way and as I slowly make my way down the stairs I yell, "Gabe leave Alex alone!"

When I finally reach the bottom of the steps I stalk into the kitchen and pull open the refrigerator door. The first thing I see is a large package of waffles with a sticky note from my mom on the top. I rip the sticky note off of the box as I shuffle over to the toaster.

Kennie, please make everyone waffles and take your medicine. Your father and I have gone to an important pack meeting. We don't know when we'll be back, so please make sure the kids stay in your sight and that they don't get into any trouble. 


I yawn as I slip two waffles into the toaster. I pull my purple stool under the shelves and I reach up and pull down several plates.

You see when my parents go to a 'No Kids Meeting' I'm in charge of not only my siblings but everyone else who wasn't invited to the meeting.

I turn to see Campbell leaning against the counter and I raise my eyebrows in an unspoken question and he answers, "The others are outside playing football." I nod and he walks away.

After I've toasted all the waffles I go to the patio and set the thirty-some waffles on our picnic table. I draw in a long breath and bring my fingers to my mouth. I blow and a loud whistle echoes around the now frozen yard. Before I know it all the boys come bounding toward the patio and I step out of the way.

I spot my girl cousins off to the side and I call them in. Even though Kacey and Scarlet are both seventeen (they're not twins) they aren't responsible enough to be in charge. Neither are any of the older boys, so we've all agreed that I'm in charge and that I should be respected.

My girl cousins file into the kitchen and I lock the patio door behind them. The youngest of my cousins is Annabelle who's nine, mumbles something under her breath and I frown not happy that it sounded disrespectful.

"Okay! So what do y'all want for breakfast?" I beam and the girls all perk up.

After making the girls bacon and eggs, while the boys all whined from the other side of the locked patio doors, I send the girls to the living room to watch TV, and I clean up the kitchen.

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