All So Confusing

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Sorry the last chapter was so short, :( but I have hope that this chapter will make up for it. :D


(Darton's POV)

I couldn't eat, or sleep, or cry. It was my fault Kennie forgot her medicine. It was my fault she ran out of the house to get me to stop fighting. It was my fault she was screaming, and crying, and having a panic attack every five minutes, because I wasn't able to get to her fast enough.

I had broken two ribs and my nose, but they healed a while ago. Now I was sitting in the infirmary that is my basement. The florescent lights flickering, because I'd forgotten to replace them a long time ago. It was just Lucca, Adolf, Campbell, Jack, and me in the hallway. That looser was in there with her, and my father was in the pharmacy getting together her next dosage of medicine.

She'd had a breakdown when she'd seen him. My father explained to me that with a combination of forgetting her pills, and her body finally recognizing it's wolf, it's mate, and her spirit- her body gave up on her.

She'd had a panic attack, an asthma attack, her body went into shock, and her spirit and her wolf were having trouble connecting with Kennie's human side. So all night last night she'd been crying and screaming in pain as her wolf and spirit attempted to make the connection. Neither have succeeded yet, but due to the fact that her mate is an alpha wolf his connection has registered. I just hope he doesn't make everything more worse than it already is.

Jack had come down because his father was busy calming the rest of the pack down, and an alpha wolf that wasn't her mate needed to collect information about Kennie. His brother's were asses and didn't own up to their duties as Alpha wolfs so he came down, but my father still hasn't returned from the pharmacy with Kennie's dosage.

But the rest of us were just waiting for Kennie to wake up or start screaming again. We were down here to hold Kennie down if she panicked again, just long enough for my father to dose her again. Adolf and Campbell hadn't cried yet, but they were pissed that my father wouldn't let them in the room to protect Kennie. They kept whispering about what their mom was going to do when she'd get the news from Jack about Kennie's condition. Lucca had cried silently for a few minutes when he found out she was The Luna, but since then he's been sitting hunched over using one hand to hold up his head while the other picked at the hole in his jeans endlessly.

Daniel was the only one aloud- besides my father- to stay in the room with Kennie. But to be honest the only reason he was aloud was because he'd punched a few things and threatened a lot of things if my father didn't let him see her.

I didn't quite get what was going on with him, but I did know he was crazy protective over Kennie, and he'd cried when her body went into shock. It made so much sense though, due to the fact that Alpha wolves feel everything so much stronger than the average wolves do.

Yesterday we were supposed to have a bonding ceremony, so that way the new wolves could become part of our pack, but before we could get started they demanded they become the alphas. Alpha Rafiel was going to be polite and turn them down, but then the older alpha male made a comment about getting rid of the human that was producing the horrid smell. That human was Kennie, and we all weren't about to have him making a remark about Kennie's scent. Everyone in the pack was drawn to Kennie's scent like bees to a flower, but that's because she was The Luna. We all loved Kennie and her scent was like a drug to the us mature wolves. If you took away Kennie.....Well, in my opinion, you practically killed the entire pack.

So, me- being reckless- stepped in and drew the line. Lucca was crazy enough to back me up, even when Alpha was warning us through the link that if we started something we'd have to be the ones to finish it. And that's what arouse the the older male, Flynn. But Daniel didn't step in till I mentioned the fact that they were threatening the whole pack by saying that, and I wasn't afraid to put them down if they attempted even to lay a hand on Kennie.

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