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Is reading this as much fun for you as writing it is for me? Let me know in the comments after you read. :)


(Daniel's POV)

She'll never know how much I love her. How much I hurt for her, and wish she'd relax and not take life head on. I want to spend eternity with her, but every second my body tells me somethings wrong, something bad is about to happen, my mind tells me eternity may never happen...

Yelon's warriors have long since reached the hotel and since then six other packs have come across the continent to come and help fight to get Henry back and save their Luna. I feel bad and ill all over knowing Kennie's in pain right now and I can't do anything about it, but as more Alphas enter the area with more and more warriors I suck up the pain and put on a brave face.

My wolf is currently furious with me and I'm sure he's never going to talk to me again for going against our natural instincts, but I'm ignoring him. I want to complain about the pain and discomfort all over my body because I've never felt this kind of pain before, but I know Kennie's going through pain a thousand times more painful than what I'm going through. I wince at the thought of Kennie, but George Beckley and his warriors are watching me so I straiten my shoulders and play strong.

I know everyone can see it, Yelon wasn't the only one who saw the effects of what's going on in me. George looks like he wants to say something, but keeps his mouth shut figuring it's my problem to deal with. I let him know which direction to go in and to ask for Darton Arizmendi when he gets there. He nods and I shake his hand before returning to the SUV that I've borrowed. I pray to the goddess that Kennie's okay, and that our families are okay. Just as I finish the prayer a warrior calls for me.

I run up to him and I can see on his face nothing's wrong it's just another pack coming into the area. It's been almost a day and a half since I've seen Kennie, but I brush the thought away and suck it up as I follow the warrior to the tree line that we've been meeting most of the packs. The trees provide a good cover for a six to seven foot wolf so it's not a surprise that most packs are using the trees, but instead of a foreign scent filling my nose as loud foot falls near the break in trees a very familiar and warm scent sends my wolf into a frenzy.

My father, Alpha Rafael, and another man who's obviously an alpha, step forward into the sunlight and the first thing I can think of is how happy Kennie will be to know her family's okay. I see the smile that breaks out on my father's face and I can't help but feel the stress leave my body for a moment as I run up to him and hug him. Dropping my façade feels good and having my dad's arms around me makes me feel like I'm me again. I'm just another teenager again.

My dad laughs and we pull apart, he's got tears in his eyes, "My boy! I can hardly recognize you with that alpha face on. You've got the whole world coming to fight with you and everything, huh?" My father looks me up and down before looking over at Alpha Rafael, "You see the difference too?" He asks and Alpha Rafael smiles.

"He's finally a man, a real alpha, that's all. It's been about a week, not a year Flynn." Alpha Rafael assured my father.

My father shrugged before turning to the other Alpha present, "This is Trevor, the Alpha of the Stelaluna pack who bordered our pack. They took us in and brought us down here."

I turned to Trever and pulled my brave face back on, "Thank you for doing that and coming when we called." I thanked him and held out my hand.

He smiled and shook my hand, "You're welcome. I don't think I would have come if it wasn't for your mate and her lovely job of persuading."

Pride and aching filled my heart at the compliment of my mate's talents, "She is wonderf-" Fast footfalls came up in the distance and in seconds most of Kennie's family stepped out of the trees.

All of the Arizmendis I could see were Kennie's male cousins and uncles. There weren't any women. Campbell and Adolf rushed around my father and the alphas, "Where's Kennie?" Adolf commanded.

It hurt to think of her, but I smiled down at the brave boys, "She's about sixty miles west in a large hotel under extreme protection." The twins gave me a look that asked if they could go off in that direction and see her, but Adolf's expression changed quickly.

"There's something you're not telling us," He squinted his eyes inquisitively, "Tell us!" He took a step forward getting irritated quickly.

Kennie's teenage cousins stepped up in front of me and the alphas moved to stand to my right, all of which watching me. Jack comes to stand beside Campbell and looks me in the eyes, he can feel the bad news coming on fast. The whole family closes in as I keep eye contact with Jack, "Give it too us strait." Jack states simply.

I secretly wish Trevor would have told them what was happening, but he must not have thought it right to do that to them. No alpha wants to cause any werewolf the kind of pain that comes with information like that. I swallow a large deep breath and let it out as I let my brave mask fall again. I'm sure my eyes tell the whole story now, but I still tell them, "She's not doing so good." I look away and wince. I keep my eyes down, "She's in a lot of pain, and she's suffering- dying as we speak...." I trail off and clench my teeth to prevent my wolf from getting wound up.

A wave of growls fill the air and they morph into howls. Campbell is crying and Jack looks determined not to cry or show pain. The alphas look surprised and stressed. Every wolf in my presence looked pained or troubled in some way.

Rafael stepped up, "Let's go. The sooner we get there the sooner we can support her." Rafael and the other Arizmedis started a slow pace in the direction of Kennie.

My father turned to me as he took up the rear, "You're not coming?" he asked. I shook my head, "Okay, well....The Stelalunar pack should show up soon. We ran ahead."

I gave him a short nod goodbye and he returned the gesture. The pack disappeared into the distance and I felt like I should go and see Kennie, but my wolf knew the vampires would find us soon and if we didn't have enough warriors Kennie would have more than her health to worry about killing her.

The thought caused my body to clench with pain and I had to bit my lip to keep from crying out in pain.


I feel SO bad for not updating sooner. I cannot for the life of me write anything decent, so I've come up with this much for you guys. It's a filler, and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to get another chapter up. I feel bad that it's so short too, I'll try to make the next update longer and better, but it'll be a while. Sorry :'(



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