Sammy: The Human That Can Fix Everything!

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Doing my best to update and I'm looking for some motivation from my readers. So if you could vote and comment on this chapter and then go and check out my other stories that would make me the happiest member on Wattpad. Please follow me if you can too. Read on Wattpaders!


(Kennie's POV)

I knew this was a bad idea, but seeing Sam's house come into view made me feel safer than any werewolf could ever make me feel.

Sam was a nineteen year old genius. He was very talented when it came to working on cars. He was a very friendly person and when he'd visited Sades he'd been very understanding of why I was so distant from other humans. He didn't know that my family were all werewolves, but he did understand that they were different.

When Sam had visited Sades, he had gone to a baseball game that my brothers were playing in, and Sam had met my mom and aunts and eventually after becoming good friends with all of the adults in my family he finally came over for dinner one night and I'd cooked. Sam had complimented my cooking and afterwords we talked and he said that if I ever needed someone to talk to that he would be there if I needed him. That day I wasn't in a very good mood and it was very obvious that I didn't want to talk to anyone about my problems, but Sam knew I would feel better if I told someone, so I'd talked to him about feeling left out and like and outcast in my family and he'd understood and ever since then we've been very good friends.

I turned into Sam's long driveway and his garage door was open and he was bent over his Mercedes and just as expected he had his headphones in and he was humming to his classical music. I leaned up against the side of the garage and waited for him to notice me.

I stood there for about five minutes before I got impatient and I just walked up to his tool box and moved it a few feet away so that when he reached for a tool his hand grabbed air and he looked up and saw me standing there with a smirk that didn't meet my eyes.

Sam smiled brilliantly as he stood up strait and pulled out his headphones, "Kennie! What are you do-" He cut himself off when he saw what I was wearing, "Awe, Kennie.." His face turned sympathetic and he pulled me into a warm hug, and I burst into tears and buried my face in his comforting chest.

"They're all just so confusing!" I sobbed, "They're so oblivious and I'm so misunderstood!"

"I know, I know..." Sam squeezed me closer to him, "They just don't understand, and you need to help them understand you."

"But they'll say I'm being stupid, or unreasonable, and that I'm just as much a part of this family as everyone else, but I'm not." I rasped out.

"Then tell them that. Tell them how you feel." He rubbed soothing circles into my heaving chest.

"But they'll be mad that I don't appreciate their protection and their stupid signs of affection, or what ever they're doing to make me feel at home!" I sniffed.

"They're your family, a very large family, but they're your family all the same, and they could never hate you. Even if they weren't your family they couldn't hate you. You're too good for anyone to hate you." I smiled at his compliment.

"Thanks. You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better," I felt my tears subside and I looked up at Sam, "You should get a TV show and call yourself Dr.Sam."

Sam smiled down at me, "You're weird. C'mon let's get you something to eat." I smiled at he pulled his garage door down and then led me into the house where he sat me down on his couch and left me to get me something to eat.

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