Henry Araz

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Okay big last few weeks, so no excuses just explanations. I've just recently moved and so we just got the internet set up, and my phone is so slow that I can't type with out getting frustrated. Thus I haven't updating. BUT there's an extra long chapter ahead for you as an apology so gimme love, and read it. Tell me what you think :D


(Daniel's POV)

Kennie's little fingers never lost their grip. Not when we had to cross that wide river with sharp rocks that I had to jump around. Not when we were zigzagging through a thick mountain range at the speed of light. Not when Darton and me stopped for a moment to hunt for something to eat. She slept for the whole day it took us to reach the Mexican boarder.

Darton was a quiet guy, but it didn't fool me. He loved Kennie, a lot, and he wanted her, but he knew I'd kill him in an instant if he threatened to take my Kennie away from me. But she was close to him, I knew that the moment he walked into her room that first time she'd had an attack, she knew he was there, her body knew. So I did my best to push down what ever negative feelings toward him that I had because Kennie would like that. She'd like it even more if we became close, but my wolf and I were at war with the thought of making friends with someone so threatening to her and mine's relationship, or pleasing her by making friends with him.

The hot weather was rough on our fur and I could feel Kennie sweating. It made me worry about her fragile skin getting burned by the relentless sun. But she was a Were now she'd be fine and would surely heal, but it didn't stop the urge to try and cover her skin in some way.

The Arizona desert mountains hid us well, but it had been hard the last few states trying to hide ourselves, but I was smart to keep to the hills and mountains. Darton jumped the boarder first, skidding up a cloud of dust on the other side. I knew the jump would wake my peaceful mate, so I prodded her consciousness and when I found a weak spot in her sleeping link, Baby? If you hear me you need to wake up for me. We're almost through with running. I added the last part hoping she'd be persuaded to wake up.

A little grunt and sniffle was her response so I focused soully on our mate-to-mate link and used a skill my dad had told me about. I found her nose in my consciousness and let the shock of energy spark through me into her. With a loud squeak she bolted up from my neck and gasped in the surroundings.

"Wow! OW! I'm up, I'm up." She mumbled as she let go of my fur to run her shocked nose. I spoke through the link, We're on the border of Mexico, hold on tight so I can jump baby will you? She giggled at the name 'baby' before gripping my fur tightly. She tightened her legs around my ribs just as I leap off the ground and over the tall fence.

"Have you heard from my mom?" She asked as Darton and I kept a steady gallop toward a hotter horizon.

No, her link has been cut off, just as hard as all the others. We're on our own when it comes to Henry. I mumbled through the link as I felt lost and alone.

Do you think we could find somewhere to stop and eat I'm hungry and I need a good run. She spoke tightly through the link. She was bothered by the idea that everyone's walls were up, but I knew she was dying of hunger, not literally speaking.

I knew she was hungry and eager to run, but we had to find Henry Araz, or I was sure, with our luck, that somehow vampires would catch up to us, or they'd be waiting for us in any nearby town. I was going have to withhold food and running from her because if we were to stop I'd have to much anxiety and paranoia that something bad would happen that I'd do something I'd regret. Right now, I was sure I wasn't going to regret it.I know you're hungry, but we can't stop, I'll make sure that as soon as we find Henry Araz I'll get you food, but not yet. I looked to Darton and he knew it was time to continue moving. Hold on again baby. She gripped my fur firmly again and tucked her face down into the soft hair, not even questioning my motives for not feeding her. Darton took the lead this time and we weave forward toward the coast...

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