Remember That Fever.......?

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(Kennie's POV)

Daniel moved me from his lap, setting me as far away as possible. I felt alone and hurt by his actions, but I knew they were for my good. He spoke through the link before turning from me and facing out the window, I'm sorry. I know how horrible it makes you feel when I do this, even if you wont admit the pain it's causing you, but we both know it's for the better. He hated himself more than ever in that moment and it bore a deep pain in my chest and my wolf was ballistic. I didn't hesitate to put my walls up, high enough so Daniel could not only not be able to speak to me through the link, but feel the majority of my emotions. I locked my wolf away too.

My fever was a fiery blaze just as I secured my subconsciousness, although I didn't break a sweat. Something was up. My body wasn't acting right. My heartbeat was most likely loud enough for every ear in this car to hear, and my hands were beginning to shake so I clenched them into fist. Dots floated randomly into my vision. And just as a brick wall of questions hit me- as if by magic- everything went black again.

(Daniel's POV)

She was angry at me, or at least in pain about my decisions, my wolf was giving me the cold shoulder for it too. She'd built up walls and blocked everything out, even so I could no longer feel the tension and pain inside of her. She was far more powerful than me, but she didn't know that.

She doesn't remember- I wish that was the same for me too- that she saved us. All of us. One second were all panicking and the next second her beautiful wolf is all I can see. In seconds the howls are gone and the presence of vampires disappears. I still don't understand exactly what happened, but she got us all out of there and to a far off pack house where she shifted back into her human form before passing out.

I wish I couldn't remember, it'd stop the thousands of thoughts roaming through my head. Henry's gone missing though, and it racks my nerves to think of anything more sever than that.

It's a little passed two in the morning and I'm sure Kennie's asleep. Even though she's so warm I can feel her from my seat a foot away from her and her heart is beating too fast for my liking, something deep in me tells me she's just fine. I believe that feeling, but the tension I'd felt was strong and a force I'd never felt before. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and the most painful, to fight the mating urges. She made it look so easy though; When I'd touch her her senses would spike to a maximum and just as they were about to fall a strong urge to tackle me and mate would grow until she'd touch me again, and the process would repeat, each time her senses would spike higher and the urges would be stronger. She made it seam as though each time was just as powerful as a thought, not a deep-down spiritual emotion that clawed at her for control, to supply it's demand.

I'm not going to lie, the little part of me that has pride and confidence would grow every time I had that feeling of need and want for me that came as a shadow of her feelings. It made me know that I was everything to her, even if she didn't see that as clearly, or strongly as she should.

My wolf spoke up into my silence angry, but concerned, She's numb. He said almost as if he'd figured the answer to a problemHe continued, She isn't feeling everything as strongly as she should. The pain's not registering in her body. Her wolf knows, but she's so deep into heat that she can't verbalize anything other than her physical want for us. The Luna Spirit's not resting properly inside her, and if something isn't done to sooth the real pain..... My wolf broke out in whimpers and I had a sharp and scream-worthy pain spike out from my heart. My wolf was talking about Kennie's death. If Kennie wasn't....fixed soon enough, she'd die. My whole body spazed with pain and I knew it was at the thought of her dying that was causing me such demise. I clenched my fist and held my breath until my mind went blank and the pain went away.

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