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Okay so the last chapter ended with a cliff hanger and I had a hacker hack into my account and delete the other version of this chapter so this chapter isn't going to be as good as I planned....but I'm gonna do my best to write the best stuff I can for you guys so thanks for reading my story and I hope you like this chapter! Extra long!!!! Like REALLY long.


(Kennie's POV)

He didn't get my pain. He didn't understand the struggle my body was under- the pain, emotional and physical, that I was experiencing. Darton looked at me confused, "What are you talking about?" He asked as he frowned. He didn't know how badly I wanted to cut. I wanted to release the pain and the struggle that all this was causing me. My scars itched and my hands ever-so-slightly twitched to grab something sharp and cut the skin. It was bad and it only made my guilt worse to know that I was on the edge of doing it again.

"I can't Darton....." I looked down at my hands and a silent tear fell down my face. I've been crying on and off for a while now and it irritated me, but I couldn't help it I'm only human. I sobbed and looked up at Darton, "I can't do it again!" my lip began to quiver and I grabbed a hold of the bed sheets and locked them in a death grip to keep from itching at the now burning scars, "I'm hurting Darton, I can't tell you how bad I want all of this to disappear! If I was normal? What if I was normal? Would I still do it?" I sobbed as I asked myself one of the many questions that ring through my head when I feel the urge to do it again.

What if I was a normal teen, with a normal life, family, and friends, would I still have the urge to cut like I do?

Darton swallowed as he asked me once again, "What are you talking about?" and his voice was strained like he was getting choked up.

I noticed Daniel for a brief moment and he was whimpering silently as he listened, he looked weak as he knew something else was wrong. But I pushed him aside, he wouldn't understand, as a jolt of anger spiked up inside of me, "I'm talking about not wanting to do it! I have too many reasons though! It's just there waiting for me, begging me to give in. It's pulling at me, but I can't do it. I want to, but I can't. And it's eating at me!" I ran a shaking hand through my hair and down my face, "I can just feel the scars beckoning me...." I almost mumbled, I wasn't going to do it! I wasn't going to give in! Not this time, but it was going to be hard. It was going to hurt, and I was going to cry, scream, and get angry, but I wasn't going to do it.

Darton looked utterly confused and when I looked over at Daniel he was far worse with his face contorted with pain as he listened to me explain my own pain, "What are you talking about?" Darton asked again and now I was getting really angry at not only me, but Darton for not getting it.

It felt like he'd slapped me and I was sure my face showed how aggravated I was with him, "How naive can you be Darton?" I asked as I threw the covers off of me and I ripped the wires from my chest and from my IV because they were so confiding. The machines began to beep loudly and it made me even more aggravated and angry. Darton's father, Jace, came running in, but when he saw me and the anger on my face he stopped as Darton obviously told him something over the link and Jace looked confused, but he seemed to get it that we needed time alone, so he left. I turned back to Darton and I grabbed his arm and pinched at his skin. He whimpered, but I only met his eyes with an angry glare. In one sore movement I jumped off the bed and stood in front of him, looking up at him I knew what I was about to would not only make him finally understand, but that it would cause pain to not only him, but Daniel, "I'm sorry." I whispered to Darton.

Darton furrowed his brows further and he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "You're so blind to my pain," my words made him visibly flinch, and with a shaky hand I pulled up my shirt roughly and I pointed to the many scars that marked my abdomen. Daniel cried out with a howl and he whimpered as he slugged around the bed not removing his eyes from me his pain was evident as his eyes showed his feelings clearly. He dropped to his knees in front of me and he began to cry again. I could see from the corner of my eyes the heartbreak in Darton's eyes. He turned around a loud whimper emanated from him, it was just one loud whimper that covered Daniel's sobs and scratchy whimpers.

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