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*I LOVE YOU READERS!!! I've gotten so many reads this last week or so and I'm really happy that people are enjoying my story. Please vote, or comment. It would be greatly appreciated, and it'll motivate me to update sooner. So keep reading!*

(Darton's POV)

I wasn't about to go back home any time soon. My heart was broken again, and my wolf was angry with me. I couldn't stop him from running even if I wanted him to. We were lost and it felt good to be out here. Light mountain winds, warm sun, soft leafy branches; all running through my fur calming my nerves and soothing my heartache.

I'll get over her, maybe not today, maybe not any time soon, but I'll get over her. I told my wolf as we rested on a rock near a fast moving stream.

We'll find our mate, and when we do you'll get over Kennie. He assured me. He was upset with me for letting Kennie get to me, but in reality he cared for her too. I was thankful though, that my wolf was forgiving enough to take us on a run to calm both our self-consciousness'.

I hope so. Was all I said in response.

(Daniel's POV when Kennie got in the shower)

Her soft humming was muffled by the shower and the childish cartoons on her televising.

She had a silky voice, and I could smell the sweat pea body wash she was using. I was head over heals for this girl. Her voice made shivers and goosebumps on my skin, and the cartoons playing on the television were useless to keep dirty thoughts from filling my conscience.

I was tired and my wolf was snapping at me to slip into the shower with her and take her right then, but she wouldn't like that. She'd want it to be special, magical and romantic. Or at least that's what she deserves her first time to be like.

My eyes drooped shut as I listened to her humming. The shower cut off and with it she stopped humming. I could hear her sighing as she brushed through her messy curls. Sleep crept up on me and suddenly I was dreaming about those crazy curls.

Kennie's sent was so real as I dreamt of her beautiful face. I moaned as her figure leaned in and her lips pressed against mine. My heart sped up and skipped every other beat. I could taste her soft lips and her sent made me moan.

Suddenly I wasn't dreaming. My eyes slowly opened and they met the closed ones of the beauty herself.

Her eyes came open and she pulled back a large smile threatening to escape her bit lip. Her glasses slid down her nose when her face scrunched up as she giggled at me and I made a face, "That was the best wake up call I've ever had." I mumbled, my voice scratchy from my amazing slumber.

"Hurry up and get in the shower. You smell funny, and the ceremony's about to start," She mumbled pecking me on the lips and straitening. She held up a familiar bag and I sat up to take it from her, "Your mom told me to bring these to you. She said you needed to get your butt in the freaking shower and come down stairs as freaking fast as possible," She smiled, "Well...She used a few choice words," her eyes roamed over my propped up figure on her bed. She stepped back, "Don't be mad, but you have five minutes before your father comes up here and orders you down stairs, dressed or not." She leaned back and winced waiting for me to blow up at her. I'd never do that.

I slurred up from the bed, my gym bag in my hand, I gave her a peck on the cheek as I slurred past her and into her bathroom. Her sent filled my lungs and I sighed as I pealed off my clothes. I could here her chuckle as she neared the closed bathroom door.

"Hurry up okay?" She called through the door.

"I am!" I called back, turning on the shower and hoping in.

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