Just A Lot of Pain

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I feel really bad for not updating sooner, so I hope this makes up for everything. :\


(Kennie's POV)

How could this keep happening to me? Henry's been captured by the vampires. They're surely waiting to kill him for what I've done, or for me to come to his rescue so they can take me and kill me for what I did. In all honesty I rather die for something I did than have someone else get hurt.

I took my mind off myself, and through the pain, I thought about how my family was doing. Were they safe? Were they even still alive? The last thought made my stomach churn. I knew if my family really was dead, it would surely get the best of me and I'd go off the deep end.

The thought of it made my stomach itch. My hands mindlessly moved to my abdomen and I began to scratch at the scared skin.

The room had fallen silent after Daniel had told me Henry had been captured, but just as soon as he saw me scratching at my stomach his voice boomed through the silence, shattering it, "Don't you even think about it Kennie! I need you to stay strong!" I looked at him and could clearly see how much pain I was causing him. He met my eyes, "Please." He pleaded.

I swallowed and removed my hand from my stomach. He let out a sigh and gave me a look that told me he was relieved and still tense at the same time.

"We need a plan," He took a seat in the chair and rubbed his face in a way that made my body melt; he was so handsome, so perfect, "We need to go get Henry, but there will be a lot of vampires and we'll need more werewolves to fight, hundreds." I couldn't tell what he was feeling because my body wasn't reacting right to the situation, and I felt like the room was a flaming inferno and I was a block of wood; I was hot.

"What can I do?" I asked, hoping even if I couldn't touch him, I could at least help him in the fight to saving my own life. He looked over at me, but didn't meet my eyes. My heart hurt at the conviction that he could no longer look me in the eyes, but I pushed the thought away and awaited his answer as he thought carefully.

After several minutes of thinking he spoke, "We need more werewolves....Do you think you could call them or something?" He looked at me with a struggling hope, but I knew if I couldn't do everything, I could at least call.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Good, I'll go talk to the others and set up the rest of the plan and leave you-" He cut off as he began to stand, his face regretful, but sure, "I'll leave you alone," He pointed to a door behind me, "There's the bathroom, and call for me if you need anything." He was already at the door and I felt I should say something, even if my body was screaming something else.

He gripped the door handle and I had to clench onto the bad sheets again to keep myself from attacking him. I spoke as calmly as I could, "I love you." He froze mid-movement as he was opening the door. This time was different from the last time I'd said I'd loved him. He was the one to say it first last time, and it was more romantic than this was. This was an 'I love you' goodbye, my body knew it. It knew he was leaving me, before even I could connect the dots. I felt like crying out for him to stay, but I kept quiet about knowing he was leaving me. It made things a lot simpler if I did.

He bit his lip, but didn't turn around to face me, "I love you too Kennie." With a small, sharp, intake of air he slipped out the door, closing it behind him with a quiet click.

I felt it. It was small and almost unnoticeable under my now somewhat diminishing heat, but I felt it. It was a small break in a heart, not my already catastrophic heart, but Daniel's. It was almost calming to know he was hurting too at our separation.

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