Great Grandfather's Pack

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Sometimes I just don't want to write anything, but then I come back and fill this in because I'm bored. :)


(Kennie's POV)

 A sweat smelling tea was placed on the small table in front of me. Daniel quickly downed his, saw my reaction to it and quickly downed mine too.

Henry smiled at him, "You are great mate." he complimented Daniel.

Daniel smiled, "It's my right and I love her." I blushed, but Henry didn't seem to notice he continued to speak about our sleeping arrangements and schedule for tomorrow since we were supposed to meet the pack. Great Gramfather's original pack.

"You sleep in spare bedroom at the pack house. Vienna will come to escort you. She very nice and knowledgeable," he sipped his tea and gave me a small look that read something along the lines of 'I know something you don't', but I brushed it off. He brought it up though just as his granddaughter Valery sat a plate of biscuits down in front of Darton, Daniel, and me. I was the first one to take three and shove them in my mouth in the most unladylike way possible, but I didn't care about manners, or the looks they were giving me, I was hungry, "She in heat so she hungry. Makes her stock up on fat to support pup. It will grow worse until heat urges are fulfilled...." Henry gave Daniel a look that I ignored, but it read 'You better do it soon before she eats this pack out of house and home'.

He smiled nervously, "Um...." he obviously found the moment awkward.

Henry chuckled, "It's nothing to be a shamed of. Luna go into heat all the time, moon goddess intended it to be this way." He smiled and nodded at us, then looked over at Darton, "You are Great Guardian Darton. Sent from deep Spirit to protect dear Luna. You know?" He asked Darton. Darton's features turned puzzled. Darton was here to protect me?

"What?" Darton asked in the most polite way he could. He looked surprised now.

Henry smiled widely at Darton, "You're Alpha not tell you you are Great Guardian?" Darton shook his head genuinely curious. Henry shook his head in slight disappointment, "You born just as Luna and Alpha. Your purpose is to protect Luna along side Alpha. It's Goddess's way of extra insurance. You shouldn't be ashamed, you are very important to Luna's survival. You supply her." Henry shrugged and finished his tea off.

Darton choked on his tea however, "What? I supply her? As in serve her?" Henry was taken back by Darton's attitude, but he nodded, "Wha-"

Henry cut Darton's rant off, "Be respectful toward Luna. She is Goddess in human form. You should be honored to serve her!" Henry gave Darton a stern look, "Goddess look down on you for that," He let Darton soak in the information before continuing, "You like uncle to pups. Lot's of responsibility too." Henry was trying to sympathize with Darton, but Darton just needed some time and he'd suck it up.

The tension was growing. I wanted to hold Daniel's hand so bad it hurt, but I knew if I touched him I wouldn't be able to control the urges. My wolf was barking at me to take action and to stop fighting her, but I ignored her.

Henry gave me one glance before smiling, "Vienna will be here soon...." He gave my twitching hands a glance before turning to Daniel, "Tomorrow whole pack meet up before warriors go out to patrol territory. Pack go crazy," I bit my lip with nervousness, "You three stay as long as you want." He smiled up at the front door of his small house and a tall and tan woman stepped in.

She gave the room a look over before noticing me. Her face went from blank to utter surprise and awe in an instant. She wafted the air and sighed with pleasure quickly before giggling, "Great Luna," She keeled down in the entryway before standing up again to take a few steps toward Henry, "Usted no me dijo que Gran Espíritu viene? Una advertencia habría sido agradable." ((You did not tell me that Great Spirit comes? A warning would have been nice.)) She spoke to Henry in Spanish and it made me confused, but almost as if someone had flipped a switch in my brain I began to understand this foreign language.

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