Bad Night, Bad Morning

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I went camping and got bit up so I'm trying to write instead of itching at my bug bites. :P



(Kennie's POV)

Daniel made me stop about half a mile from my house before I attempted to shift back. He wanted me to have some space just in case my family sensed me and bombarded at me.

He rubbed his snout on my face before stepping back and nodding for me to go ahead and shift. I wasn't tired, but I wasn't hyper anymore. Thus I still had enough energy to shift and walk back home. I shook out my fur as I spoke to my wolf, Okay I need your guidance on this. What do I do? I asked her and she growled at me.

It's going to hurt. She stated and I pushed for her to go on. It's pretty simple. Visualize you in human form and then concentrate on only that. Visualize pushing me away and back into you. She explained.

I focused on doing this right as I pictured myself standing in the secluded wood in my favorite shorts and T-shirt. I took my wolf and imagined myself pushing her back into my head- much like a cartoon. When nothing happened I opened my eyes- that I hadn't realized I'd closed- and whined as I spoke to my wolf again, It didn't work. I pouted.

Be patient Luna! You need to visualize yourself in human form! She insisted.

I began to pace getting frustrated already. Daniel laid propped up against a tree watching me. I could feel he was nervous for me. I responded to my wolf, But I did visualize myself in human form!

She snapped at me, In human form- as in no clothes just you! She stopped my pacing and forced me to stand still, Just you.

But I can't be seen naked in front of Daniel! I'm so...unworthy. I'd be so embarrassed! Something told me it wouldn't be as bad as I was describing and when I said the word naked I felt something in me shift pleasurably.

He's our mate! You have no need to be embarrassed! You should have already ripped his clothes off and mated with him already! But NO!!! You have to be difficult and hold back your natural urges! That's the reason why it took so long for us to shift! Because of you! You! You! YOU! She growled obviously pissed at me.

No, no, no. I can't mate I'm too young! I'm not ready! No, NO. NOO! I push those urges away because they're not normal. They're dirty nasty thoughts that aren't appropriate for a girl like me. I explained to her.

She growled at me and with a small hiss she ordered, Shift!

And like it wasn't even me controlling myself, a picture of me in my naked glory popped into my mind and suddenly my wolf was receding into the back of my mind.

Pain like before replaced my bones, but it was to a lesser extent, and I let out a loud whine as I shifted back.

When I opened my eyes Daniel wasn't anywhere to be seen. I almost immediately covered myself with my arms and hands and called out for him, "Daniel!" I whimpered, "Where are you?" I looked up at the darkening sky and suddenly I began to freak, "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. SHOOT!" I hissed as I swatted at mosquitoes and padded through the trees praying that no one would see me and that maybe I could get back to my house without getting hurt, or attacked, or bit up by these darn mosquitoes!

Branches and old leaves crunched under my feet and every now and then I stumbled over a tree root, "Daniel! Goddanggit!" I closed my eyes and searched for his link. It wasn't hard because his was the most distinct out of the others. I called for him through the link, Daniel?! Where'd you go! I'm friggin' cold and it's getting dark! I whimpered, I stubbed my toe and these stupid bugs-Ugh! I began to cry as I swatted another bug, Daniel I don't like the woods at night!

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