Under The Stars

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Hi guys, I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKE SO LONG TO POST THIS CHAPTER!! Is just that I'm in the final week of school and with some projects going on so I'm kind  busy. Also this chapter gave me a hard work, since it is really dense, with me trying to expose Laura's emotions in a believable way. I really hope you like, and please don't forget to comment and search me here or on my Tumblr account for a chat. Love each one of you...thanks for the amazing support and sweetness!! xoxoxoxo Ana!

PS: The music I used is from the new Cinderella movie :)


It was finally Saturday again, and Ross couldn't have asked for a better week. His song was almost done, and even though he has been having rehearsals everyday, the music was going pretty good and he could already predict that the show would be amazing. He and Laura were having so much fun, and it was really comic teach her how to use a cellphone, she also finally was done with the medicine, her head was perfectly cured.

He woke up in a jump, his alarm didn't ring so he has no clue about what time it was. He sat in the couch with a sleepy face and grabbing his phone saw that it was past 10 o'clock.

He was so tried that couldn't wake up earlier. He then looked at Laura's bed and saw the empty place, she must have been awake for hours.

Ross grabbed his cloths and after a shower was ready to face a beautiful day. He planned teach Laura how to play guitar and maybe they could go do some shopping since he thought that was time for her get some cloths instead use just the ones that Maia gave.

When he opened the door to face the kitchen the place was empty too. Ross then furred his eyebrows in concern. Where might be Laura? Maybe in Ms. Anderson house. He saw her plate washed and found breakfast for him in the microwave.

He ate alone, and now seems so strange not having her to sat in front of him with her big brown eyes. Even she being asleep when he went out during the week he got used to have her presence in the house.

Once finished he dialed her number but she didn't pick, it must have been really fun in Ms. Anderson so he just texted her wishing a good time.He took a look at the house, and it hasn't much to do since Laura clean that for him, even he didn't agreeing, so Ross decided study a little and also practice his music for the presentation.

At the end he didn't open any book, he just spend the hole time playing his guitar, finishing the song he have been writing, Laura really was a good inspiration.

The music flowing troughs his fingers as the lyrics where perfectly in sync, the melody was great and he couldn't wait to play to an audience, but where he would do that he didn't know yet. Probably on his mother's birthday party, or if he and his siblings got a gig in their city, but that would be another story.

When Ross realize it was already noon and Laura wasn't home yet. Is she going to have lunch on Ms. Anderson's? But she would let him know if she would.

He dialed her again and she didn't pick, he send a text message again, but he even didn't got a response for the first one."Calm down Ross! She's probably having fun and you are overreacting. She is probably learning about a lot of flowers and other things."

Ross then made himself a lunch, much more a snack than a properly lunch and sat in front of the TV for entertain him a little since he wasn't the type that pass all the day out off home. But the news or cartoons weren't distracting him for his worry so he just turned off the thing and started to walk across his small house, thinking if it was a good idea go after her.

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