Road Trip

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HI GUYS!!!!! I'm SO SORRY for take so long to post...I've been really busy with school stuff, studying and kind of had a mini block, that gladly faded away. And I would like to THANK EACH ONE OF YOU...this story is already with more than 2k views....DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME???? THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thanks for the 100 followers guys are amazing!!! Now...I'm afraid to say that this chapter is a bit long and really hope you guys enjoy!! Please don't forget to comment and please search me here or on Tumblr for a chat!!


PS: I saw that a lot of people are sad about Ross and Courtney relationship thing...guys don't worry, I don't think that will last for much longer. They are only 19 and seriously I don't see all the happiness in his face when he is with Courtney that I see when he is with Laura. Don't give up on Raura!!!


The alarm started to bip loud making Ross jump in his couch, He grabbed the cellphone forgetting that he had settled the thing to "scream" at 6 in the morning. Since they didn't have prepared anything for the trip, wake up early was needed.

He got up, stretching and rubbing his eyes, trying to vanish the sleep of them. Turning he saw that Laura was sat in her bed but with closed eyes, maybe pondering if she should got up or just return to sleep.

Laura, the girl that had prevented him to have a good night of sleep. The kiss, her lips, their moment in the garden, the images kept passing like a movie in replay in Ross's head almost all the night. He took some naps during the dawn but his mind was fulfilled with her, and the crazy doubts about what to do next. Should they talk about what happened, or just forget and move one? Did she feel the same about the kiss, or she has regrets? Does he have a chance with her, or he is just daydreaming? Is he overreacting?

Questions, burning his mind, making him confuse, but in any moment regretful. He loved the kiss, the moments he have been spending by her side, the amazing person she is, and the fact of introduce her to his family seemed to be something so natural, that wasn't making him nervous at all.

A small smile passed through his face as he saw her slowly open her eyes, yawning and pushing aside the stands of hair that was hindering her vision.

Morning sleep head!

Mo...morning! - more yawns.'s time to wake up, we need to pack.

Okay....I'm getting up.

I'm seeing.

She give him a smirk before get out of the cover making her way to the bathroom, leaving Ross in the bedroom, thinking about what to do for breakfast.

Once inside Laura grabbed her towel and the things for the bath. The hot water hit her skin relaxing her even more, and as she closed her eyes to wet her hair she needed to lean on the wall for not fall, she really was sleepy. That night wasn't one of the best nights of rest, all the time she was waking up with the taste of Ross's lips in her owns, his sweetness and touch making her fly to another world.

Automatically her hand went to the necklace and again the memories came back, and there she was, in the garden, breathing his amazing perfume, being under stars and lights, just staring at his sparkling hazel eyes, lost in them.

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