The Next Step

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Hi have you been? I"M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING.... I saw all the requests and I have to say that this chapter was already finished but I wren't happy with the result and decided to rewrote. Also my time got consumed because of my driving lessons...YES for those who don't know, in Brazil you only get your permission with 18 and has to do 45 hours of theoretical lessons (it's REALLY BORING!!!) so that's my excuse for not posting sooner.

Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy this chap and I have to say that we are walking to an end in this book that I'm enjoying so much to write and all I have to do is thank to each one of you that have following this story, giving your opining, making my day happier. I thank God for each one of you that without knowing me supports my work and my dream. I love you guys with all my heart.

Please don't forget to comment letting me know about your opinion about this book and if you would like to see an original story that I'm plaining to post here after the end of this book ( I appreciate very much whatever is your opinion) and please feel free to talk to me anytime, I may take a while to answer but I will!! I love to talk to you guys so my chat is always open.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Love you....oxoxoxoxooxo Ana!!


In that moment all Ross could feel, all he could see was the girl in front of him slowly opening her eyes again, his heart was finally beating as it should.

The tall man passed fast thought the door going straight to the bed. With a little flashlight he verified her vital signals and gladly she was responding to them, meaning that her vision and brain response were intact.

Of course that at the moment she focused on the imagines in front of her she got scared and the machine controlling her breathing and hart beating went insane.

Hey....calm down, you are safe here okay? We are at the hospital, you passed thought the surgery, just calm down.

But she couldn't, she was trying to move her legs and arms but since she was very weak because of the procedures and everything, all Laura could do was move her hands and blink.

Laur? Are you hearing me?

Ross came closer to the bed, entering in her sight and instantly calming her. He smiled, gently pressing his hand above hers, trying to show he was there and everything would be okay.

I will need to ask you to leave, for now I have to check her, control her vital signs, you have to go.


Is an order! You will have to wait until be called.

The blond knew he had to leave and without more complains he passed trough the door, not before check his "friend" one last time.

Everything will be okay Laur, I will be here sooner than you imagine.

She blinked and he smiled again, leaving the room a way more relaxed. That sensation filling his heart, it was a mix of emotions but this time they were good.

He returned to find a bunch of curious looks waiting for an answer to the boy who disappeared in the middle of the caos.

After all his family calmed he explained everything to them, telling that she had woke up and now they would need to wait for the doctor with more answers.

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