Chapter 26

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I stare at the door Talia just raced out of feeling so many things, shock, confusion, worry. Never had we seen her like that, she was the definition of fun and sassy, but seeing her crying, screaming, and sobbing her sleep made me wonder how much I truly knew about my best friend. 

"What... just happened?" Mary asks everyone and no one her voice breaking from crying with the other girls early,

"I-I really don't know Mary," I whisper still in shock.


Third POV

"We can't find her anywhere!" Remus whisper yells during Study Hall where for the first time the Marauders and Valkeries sit together. McGonagall almost had a stroke when she saw this and silently started praying to Merlin for mercy on her. She was too stunned to notice that the Gryffindor girl was nowhere to be seen.

"We are aware thank you for pointing that out!" Marlene snaps glaring at her parchment that is supposed to have her potions essay on it,

"Don't talk to Moony like that McKinnon!" Sirius retorts to her glaring at the girl's head, it was getting tense and obvious that the groups wouldn't last much longer before one of them ripped off someone's head.

"Evan's after we find Nat would you want to go to - " James starts looking at Lily,

"No." She responds quickly and sharply and keeps whispering rapidly with Mary trying to brainstorm places where Natalia could be. The two groups don't notice the pair of red-haired twins that slide into the seats next to James and Marlene sitting across from each other,

"Where's Natalia?" They both whisper together and James jumps from his seat and falls backward groaning. All heads turn in his direction laughing quietly when they see the Potter boy on the ground,

"We don't know..." Marlene whispers to the twins and for the first time they've seen her she looks truly worried,

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Fabian whisper yells looking horrified,

"We NEED to annoy her!" Gideon matches his look. The two groups stare at the twins unamused,

"And when did this start?" Lily asks glaring at the twins, once the boys realise what they said their eyes widen,

"Well we started at the start of the month when we saw her come OUT of the mantle, like through a wall," Fabian starts telling them when the marauders look at each other and James, Sirius, and Peter bang their heads on the table. While Remus has a look of realisation on his face,

"And when we tried to get through we couldn't, so when we couldn't we started asking and nagging her about it," Gideon continues to explain, the Valkeries look at the two interested since Nat never told them about it,

"But after a while it was just us teasing, making jokes, we've even pranked together a few times as well," Fabian finishes, 

"So where is she?" Gideon asks again looking around the Study Hall. The girls awkwardly look at each other out the side of their eyes,

"We really don't know," Alice sighs rubbing the palms of her hands over her eyes,

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?!" They yell together worried, every head in the Hall turns to look at them,

"Prewetts keep your voices down," McGonagall scolds but she is secretly curious about what had them yelling. 

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