Holidays pt 2

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I burst out laughing as we walk out of a muggle thrift store now all holding bags of clothes we are going to try to thrift with Alice and Lily's help,

"Mals you can't just say that!" I giggle glancing back to the cashier through the door, "I know she's cute but you had to say that," Lily and Alice nod while Mary is laughing along with me,

"What all I said is she looked cute in uniform but she would look better in my sheets," Marlene says with a laugh,

"Marls!" I laugh shaking my head and Marlene turns around so she's walking backwards while talking to Mary. I turn to talk to Lily since Alice is now looking around dreamily her eyes following birds in the sky. 

"I mean if she was a witch I would have tried harder bu-... AH!" Marlene says before tripping backwards on a box that was on the sidewalk. We all gasp and a few yelps and whines are heard, looking into the box we see 5 golden retriever puppies. I coo and pick up one of the puppies bringing her to my chest and carefully scratching her head,

"Did big bad Marlene stand on your tail," I say in a baby voice looking at the puppy,

"Hey! Sure go to the puppies ignore your best friend who just fell onto the sidewalk," Marlene grumbles but soon sits up picking up a puppy of her own,

"Aw the poor things have been abandoned," Mary says softly picking up a puppy as well crouching down on the ground,

"How do you know?" Alice asks picking up a puppy and showering its face with kisses,

"It says on the box puppies for free," Lily says sadly carefully slipping her hand under the last puppy's belly and scooping him up. I suddenly squeal,

"Oh! I'm keeping on! This one is mine!" I say excitedly giving my puppy an Eskimo kiss,

"Me too!" Marlene and Mary announce at the same time,

"Oh I just have to keep mine," Alice says softly,

"Guys we can't just keep them!" Lily laughs,

"Of course we can!" Marlene and I exclaim,

"My dad is going to kill me," Lily sighs but is smiling down at the puppy in her hands.

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