Chapter 30

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I sniffle a yawn as I walk into the first lesson of defence against the dark arts for the year, beside Marlene who is grumbling out how the marauders and I woke her up too early even though she was enjoying it in the moment. Marlene leads us to the only seat with enough room for five people. My eyes dart around the room, it looks similar to my fourth year just less everything, the teacher is nowhere in sight but there are a few mirrors around plus a bunch of artifacts placed around the room with care. Lily, Mary, and Alice join us pulling out parchment and quills ready for the first lesson, the Slytherins and the rest of my year of Gryffindors filter into the room over the next two minutes. And still, our new defence teacher hasn't shown up.

Ten more minutes later, they still isn't here. I tap my foot impatiently against the ground, Lily and Alice started doing homework from their last class. In an instant, my hand grips my wand in the pocket of my robe and mats unroll from the wall and a woman dripping with cold confidence walks in through the class room door.

"Oh good you're all here," She tells us walking to her desk and placing a few pieces of used parchment down on her desk, "Wilks, Mulciber, Snape, Gryffindor," She calls out my last name along with the three Slytherins, "Cool it with the tensing," The new DADA professor tells us making me frown slightly and watch her curiously,

"Well she seems fun," Marlene whispers in my ear, "Do you know who she is?" She asks me and I subtly shake my head at her question,

"Everyone can put their quill, books, and parchment away, today we will start with a practical so I can see where everyone is at with not just spell knowledge but skill," She explains and whispers and murmurs of excitement trickle around the room along with the sound of parchment rustling as it gets put away, "My name is Ayla Hawks, I'm Deputy head auror under Alastor Moody," Professor Hanks doesn't say any more before with the wave of her wand all of the desks in the room including hers are pressed neatly against the wall and the mats find spots all over the room.

Everyone awkwardly stands around waiting for what we are supposed to do while I grab the hair tie from around my wrist and tie my hair up in a ponytail for the first time in many months. 

"Well what are you standing around for? We'll do a tornament once you lose your out if you win find a new partner and duel again," Professor Hawks tells us obviously with no room for any sort of argument. Alice and Lily pair up, Mary and Marlene pair as well Remus pairs with James and Sirius with Peter. They all move to mats and I end up pairing with Dorcas who I haven't had much to do with since arriving. I get a small sinking feeling in my stomach when I smile at her, wishing I'd try to be more involved with her. 

We raise our wands and bow to each other before turning around and getting ready to duel. In Dorcas' defence it was never going to be a faird duel to begin with a 6th year against someone who was on the run and fought in a war from 5th year till 7th. It wasn't fair, I knew that when we started. She may have been an extremely dangerous dueler in 1981 but in 1976 when she hasn't fought in a war yet. 

"Alarte ascendare!" I call out moving my wand in the right form before Dorcas has a chance to even completely open her mouth. My eyes watch her as she flies back, "Accio wand" I whisper and her wand  comes flying into my hand. It only takes me a few steps to be standing over her with a guilty smile while extending my hand to Dorcas to help her up. 

"Your good at dueling, Gryffindor," She tells me her voice breathy after being winded from her landing,

"Thanks Meadows," I respond with a small smile as she grabs my hand and I pull her up so Dorcas is standing again catching her breath. I make my way around the room as more rounds go on and more people lose and move to the side to watch others duel. Until I just beat Sirius who has a facial expression resembling a pout until our eyes catch on James and Mulciber who are still dueling and our attention is taken off bickering with eachother to watching eagerly as they duel. 

Sirius and I groan loudly and flop down onto our dueling mat when Mulciber manages to disarm James. Other Gryffindors sigh as well while the Slytherin's clap, congratulating Mulciber stiffly. Professor Hawk walks over to where Sirius and I are sitting on our dueling mat,

"Well?" She asks looking at us with an expectant tone,

"Well what?" Sirius retorts with a smug sounding voice. I roll my eyes at Sirius and hand him back his wand,

"I won," I tell her standing up and undoing my now lose pony tail, before reaching behind my head and redoing tying it up. She raises a single eyebrow at me before nodding and holding her arm out towards the mat. My eyes find Mulciber and he is looking at me with a cocky expression which makes me clench my jaw. Pushing myself off the ground I walk to the opposite side of the mat and we hardly bow to eachother, before turning away and walking down to the other sides of the mat. I see Lily, and Marls sitting next to eachother while Alice and Mary are on either side of them giving me encouraging smiles and Marlene mouths,

'Fuck him up,' with a shit eating grin on her face making me smile. I haven't even reached the end of the mat before I hear Mulciber spit out a spell,

"Descendo!" He yells out while my back is still turned. Without even turning I cast a spell,

"Protego Totalum," I mutter under my breath as a silvery bubble forms around me taking the hit of the spell. I spin on the heels of my feet and cluck my tongue at him,

"Now Mulciber that wasn't very polite," My voice is sweet as I look at him with an overly fake smile. Behind me Marlene and Sirius snort at my comment, I can barely make out James' snicker and Remus and Peter's laughs they cover with coughs. He glares at me the embarassment and anger evident in his gaze that he didn't hit me even with my back turned,

"What Gryffindor? Just going to hide behind a bubble?" He retorts venom lacing his tone,

"A bubble you couldn't create if you tried," I fire back before in one motion lowering my shield and firing a spell at him non-verbally, Glacius. I sniffle a giggle as Mulciber didn't even see it coming and didn't even have time to deflect it having to fall to the ground to avoid the spell. "Sad, I thought a pureblood like you could do better," I taunt spinning my pen between my fingers, "I guess us blood traitors are just better," I end with a chuckle sending a few sparks of fire in his dirction causing him jump up onto his feet,

"Your dead Gryffindor," He snarls raising his wand at the ready,

"Not yet I'm not," I quip back in a cheerful voice deflecting his spell and sending on verbal and another non-verbal the second one catching him off guard, "Stufefy!" Expelliarmus, I think in my head as Mulciber is quickly forced to drop his wand after deflecting my first spell, "Accio wand," I call waving my wand if I'm simply bored and it flying into my hand before even hitting the floor. James, and Sirius cheer obnoxiously loud and the girls clap behind me. With a smug smile present on my face I bow a few times dramtically for the fun of it. I toss Mulciber his wand back just as the bell rings and Mary passes me her bag and we wrap our arms around eachothers shoulders. With one final look back in the class because of a prickling feeling on the back of my neck. I spot Professor Hawk looking at me intruged before with a small twitch of her finger the door shuts behind the last student.

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