"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yells as he walks forward on the rubble of the castle, silencing everyone for a brief moment before screams wring out, I run forward screaming as Jack my twin grabs onto me pulling me back, his grip loosens once Voldemort starts talking again,
"Now is time to show where our loyalties truly lie," he calls for everyone to her, I hold my wand out towards him and walk forward,
"I will show you where my loyalties lie!" I grit, before attacking him with as many spells as I can remember, I barely take notice of the fact Harry has stood up but I take notice of Neville killing the snake the last Horcruxes, a sinister smile comes across my face as I continue to attack Voldemort but he's fighting back and before I know what's happened I hear the words I dread most in the world.
"Avada Kedavra!" upon the spell hitting me I feel a tug to my left, looking at Jack one last time as he screams my name the world fades into black.
"Stand away from her,"
"Give her space,"
"Would she wake up already," I hear voices around me as I try to open my eyes I am met with blinding white lights around me, groaning I force myself to sit up. Blicking quickly to get my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room, seeing four people around me I quickly stand up and point my wand at them,
"Who are you?" I demand looking at each of them,
"We mean no harm, no need for the wand dear," a short kind looking witch as she moves to each wizard and takes each of their wands, only one protests. She walks forward and places my wand under her chin while holding out their wands, I quickly take them and shove them into my pocket before slowly lowering mine but still keeping ahold of it knowing I don't really need it for magic but like having it close,
"Who. Are. You?" I ask again glaring at each of them,
"We are the Founders of Hogwarts," A man with the same eyes as me walks forward,
"So I'm stuck in the afterlife, with you four!" I yell looking highly offended, "After everything I am stuck with fucking Salazar, how could death punish me more," I huff as three of them laugh, and the one that is obviously Salazar looks down on me,
"Don't worry I wouldn't want to spend eternity with a descendant of Godric over here," he says pointing at a man dressed like a king as my mouth drops open in shock,
"I'm not... there's no way," I stutter not being able to pick a sentence to form as I look at Godric,
"You are my descendant and your real last name is Gryffindor, not Fisher, that's just the last name that the orphanage gave you," he explains as I still gape at him in shock, "You also don't have to spend eternity with Salazar," Godric explains smiling fondly at the Slytherin,
"What do you mean? I'm dead of course I do," I deadpan looking at Salazar distastefully,
"You're not dead merely crossing over," the lady wearing blue speaks gently, as Godric hands me a bag and nods for me to open it, first I pull out a key with the label, Gryffindor vault, next I pull out a piece of parchment with the writing Gryffindor Manor, and lastly a notebook. Flicking through the notebook curiously I see lots of information about the castle, but one page catches my attention,
"Godic's study?" I question looking up at Godric, as he smiles fondly at the mention of the name,
"Yes, it's a study hidden in the Gryffindor Common room and can be accessed beside the fire. Only the Gryffindor bloodline can find it,"
"But then how didn't Jack and I find..." my voice trails off as the sudden realisation hits me, I'll never see Jack again, I look off to the side silently thinking over the reality of never being with my other half again,
"I know it's hard and no one found it because there was only one boy born to each descendent," He whispers slowly walking closer to me, I push my thoughts of Jack aside and look at him and am met with my eyes,
"What do you mean one boy?" I ask confused,
"For many many generations, only one boy was born to each descendant until you, the first girl and first second child in the history of the Gryffindor line,"
"What did Rowena mean by crossover?" I ask moving away from Godric and towards Rowena,
"I meant you're not going to stay here you're going to change everything," she smiles softly and brings a hand to my cheek, "We have been watching you since birth and it's time to go back where you really are from,"
"Where I'm really from?" I question,
"Yes, you weren't born June 17th, 1980 you were born June 17th, 1960," Helga says moving my attention from Rowena to her, "We brought you forward in time twenty years so you could change everything,"
"What about my parents?" I ask, "They would have realised me and Jack were gone," my voice catches saying my twin's name,
"Your mother left you, Jack, and your father a few months after you were born and your Father was so heartbroken he left you and Jack at an orphanage and then killed himself rather than live without his love," Helga whispers her eyes moving to Godric worriedly but when I looked he was looking at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world,
"Oh," is all I can manage with all the thoughts running through my mind as I walk towards Godric, "You care about each and every one of us, don't you? You watch over each and everyone of us until we die never to meet us?" I question looking at Godric whose eyes glisten with unshed tears, as he nods,
"I'm so sorry," I whisper before carefully pulling him into a light hug and he instantly hugs me back,
"It's not your fault Lion," he whispers his chin resting on top of my head. He pulls away digging into his pocket and hands me a necklace, "When you hold the charm and think Gryffindor Manor it will take you there safely, even from inside Hogwarts," he explains and I tentatively reach for it and put it on smiling softly at him, "Watching your sorting was the most curious thing you know, the hat had no clue where to put you." he smiles fondly shaking his head before Salazar continues,
"Imagine the shock to all of us when Godric's first Granddaughter almost breaks the sorting hat because you had potent qualities of each of us," he shakes his head,
"Kind enough for Hufflepuff," Helga smiles,
"Smart enough for Ravenclaw," Rowena continues,
"Cunning enough for Slytherin," Salazar admits grudgingly,
"And certainly brave and selfless enough for Gryffindor," Goric smiles, "You are everything I could have ever wished for in my first female descendant. When you go back you will be 15 again for time's sake and to help you with everything, it's time to go and change the world though," he smiles knowing as I have a similar feeling to using the time turner in the third year and comes crashing into a someone's house.
"For fucks sake Godric," I mutter in pain as I look around and see four boys staring at me in shock as I stand up, looking at everyone of them I realise who they are my eyes move from each one as I do a head count, Remus, James, Sirius and ... Peter, I think bitterly,
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!" Sirius screams and throws wrapping paper at me? Looking around I see it's Christmas, as the boys look at me worried about how I will react,
"Sorry my elf was trying something I asked her to, I guess it didn't work," I shrug coming up with the first lie I can think of,
"Who are you?" James questions as I look at him. I'm taken aback at just how similar he and Harry are,
"Someone leaving," I say walking to the front door, before turning back and winking at the four of them closing the door behind me. Letting out a sigh I reach for my necklace with the sun pendant and think, Gryffindor Manor, and let myself be swept away to what is hopefully my new sanctuary.
A/N New story what do we think of the story starter

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time Travel
FanfictionDuring the battle of Hogwarts Natalia Rose Fisher, stands up and faces Voldemort. She is seeking revenge for killing one of her best friends Harry Potter, she gets killed and finds out she's not who she thinks she is and lands back in time surrounde...