Chapter 13

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I quickly slip my black bandana over my mouth and nose then bring my hood over my hair before running out of the common room unnoticed by anyone. I pull out the map and make sure no one is near me before closing it. I shift into Goldpaw and running to the entrance, I listen carefully to make sure no one is patrolling before shifting back and grabbing the vomit-green spray paint I bought cheaply in Muggle London. Writing out what I want takes me a few minutes, but eventually, my masterpiece is done. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions when they walk in tomorrow after the break, I think gleefully. Turning around to leave I notice red eyes looking at me, Shit! Mrs Norris starts yawling and I hear Flich running and wheezing. I flip off Mrs Norris before grabbing my necklace and thinking of home, then feel myself apparate.

Platform 9 3/4 is bursting at the seams with everyone saying goodbye to parents and saying hello to friends. Suddenly I feel a large weight on my back, falling to the ground, and immediately start whining.

"What the hell," I cry out and hear plenty of guys laughing around me,

"Looks like you're a bit stuck Lia," Remus teases crouching down in front of me,

"Shut up and get Sirius' fat arse off me!" I snap, almost instantly Sirius gets off and Remus holds his hand out for me to grab which I take gratefully.

"Damn it the boys got to her first," Mary huffs and takes me from Remus,

"You guys stole her all holidays back the fuck off she was ours first!" Marlene yells before dragging me with them onto the train, to our compartment.

"Finally!" Lily yells pulling me into a hug and all the girls do the same,

"You took forever," Alice says while hugging me and we all take up our normal places, Lily and Alice next to each other, and the same with Marlene and Mary while I sit on the floor.

"I can't believe those boys stole you for the rest of the holidays," Mary huffs crossing her arms over her chest and pouting,

"I mean she did beat the living daylights out of Sirius' mother who let's face it everyone knows he hates," Lily shrugs before picking up a school book,

"LILY EVANS IS THAT A SCHOOL BOOK?!" I scream wearing a mocking offended look,

"HOW DARE YOU I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS?!" Marls continues and makes a look of betrayal,

"Oh calm down you too. Don't you have more interesting topics to talk about?" Lily rolls her eyes before looking back at her book and getting comfortable while Mary and Alice laugh with us once we break character.

"As much as I love teasing Lily, does anyone have a clue on who the mysterious person is that keeps pranking Umbridge?" Marlene asks changing the topic and looking at each of us expecting an answer. Lily just says the Marauders are getting creative. To which everyone disagrees, Alice thinks it's someone who stayed for the break. Everyone goes around in circles for a while before the topic slowly changes and we are almost home.

By the time we make it to the castle, we are some of the last much to Lily's panic. Once we make it to the entrance it's clogged up and we have to push through to see. Whispers are going around about Umbrigde's Prankster and her newest 'attack' Looking to the side I start smirking as people talk about previous pranks and add this one to the mix.

"I still can't believe he turned her into a toad!" Someone whisper yells to a Hufflepuff fourth-year,

"I heard he made everything blue in her office!" Another whispers,

"Don't forget about the rats that followed her everywhere for three days!" Some one else jumps in, I can't stop smiling at the chaos around me. Unfocused as I am listening to all the rumors and my old pranks I accidentally run into Lily's back. Looking from behind her I see the green spray paint I left last night with a permanent sticking charm on it.

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time TravelWhere stories live. Discover now