"I would like to welcome everyone back to Hogwarts." Professor Dumbledore continues while standing at the lectern, "This term we will have a new student joining us," Whispers break out throughout the Hall since nobody starts during the school year,
"I bet it's an uptight Pureblood," Padfoot grumbles to us,
"Why?" I ask not really paying attention as my mind wonders to the girl in Diagon Alley,
"Look at Regulus," He tells us kicking my foot, looking behind us over the two tables to the Slytherin table where Regulus is smiling
"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen him smile," James murmurs, Dumbledore raises his hands and everyone falls silent,
"Please give a warm welcome to Natalia" He pauses and we wait, He's so dramatic, I think, "Gryffindor!" The Hall doors open and the girl from Diagon Alley walks through confidently, she's wearing black leather pants and an off the shoulder black top with a Hogwarts robe. Plenty of wolf whistles go around from all tables but Sirius' wolf whistle catches my attention. Slapping his across the back of the head he looks at me shocked,"Do you really have that little respect!" I hiss angrily knowing he has wolf whistled at plenty of girls around me before. The rest of the Marauders give me a look that says, Yeah he does have that little respect, but to everyone's surprise, she spins around in a circle while continuing to walk with her middle finger up. McGonagall quickly ushers her up and tries to scold her but she reasons something which has McGonagall looking curious as she nods and gestures for her to sit down. Natalia does with a small smile towards the professor and the hat is placed on her head, and it starts talking out loud not in her head.
"Hmm very curious a girl of the Gryffindor bloodline, now where to put you?" The hat questions to itself as the whole school watches intently, "Very smart yes, tactical when you chose to be. Very kind and loyal as well, extremely cunning and ambitious maybe a Slytherin. But so much bravery and courage too, you could go anywhere," The hat hums to itself as everyone exchanges confused glances with each other, and Sirius, James, and Peter look completely offended the hat didn't call her straight to Gryffindor. The hat stays on her head for 20 minutes trying to figure out where to place her as Natalia just sits there bored, before the hat finally starts talking again, "You would lay down your life for your friends wouldn't you?" He asks her,
"Yes I would but I would do more, I would kill for them," She says rolling her eyes in annoyance,
"Alright then better be... GRYFFINDOR!" It calls as our table abrupts in applause and cheers, many people try waving her over to sit with them including Prongs and Padfoot, but she walks straight past us and sits down with Marlene who hates Sirius, and Lily who hates James.
"Nooo!" Sirius cries when she sits down with them, "She'll never come near us now, Marlene and Lily despise us," he huffs and I chuckle in turn, the boys look at me demanding an explanation of why I'm laughing about this.
"Why are you laughing? This is a serious manner," James huffs with his arms crossed grumpily,
"Well she might avoid you but she won't avoid me since I've met her before this," I say while smiling at their faces,
"When!" They demand together,
"Well, the first time was when she suddenly appeared in James' house Christmas. The second time was later that day when I bumped into her in Diagon Alley after she completely pissed off your mother," I list and watch their faces fall when they realise she was the girl at James' house.
"NO!" James, Sirius, and Peter all yell, and I chuckle when they start banging their head on the table while I start eating.
"Hi do guys mind if I sit here?" I ask Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Alice,
"Go ahead," Lily shrugs, after introducing ourselves we move the conversation to hobbies when a loud yell is heard from none other than the Marauders,

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time Travel
FanfictionDuring the battle of Hogwarts Natalia Rose Fisher, stands up and faces Voldemort. She is seeking revenge for killing one of her best friends Harry Potter, she gets killed and finds out she's not who she thinks she is and lands back in time surrounde...