Chapter 27

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Third Person

The common room is silent as the two groups of Gryffindors stare at Natalia in pure shock before everything explodes,



"Talia what on earth!?"

"You can't just do that!"

"What is so important to you in that diary!" They all bombard her with questions startling Alice and Mary awake so quickly they fall off the couch. Natalia looks between her two groups of friends more tears building in her eyes, she truly thought she had used all her tears.

"I'm...I'm so sorry," I choke out tears falling from my eyes, "Obliviate," Now not only Marlene is looking still and confused all eight of them are. She collapses to the floor on her knees dropping her wand on the ground, "I wish I could tell you but I can't...not...not yet," Natalia cries softly while quickly orchestrating a fake memory to implant. Finally deciding on one, the Gryffindor descendant picks up her wand and points it at each of them and watches as one by one they hazelly walk up the boy's or girl's stairs to their dorms. 



I groan when I wake to someone pulling the downer off my bed, my brain flickers back to last night after class and it all seems fuzzy.

"What happened last night?" I grumble rubbing my hand down my face in an attempt to wake up at least a little bit,

"Of course, you go straight to worrying about Nat," James laughs loudly making me wince,

"It's too fucking early for you to be loud," I state plainly and hear Peter snicker slightly,

"Moony you're a werewolf, not a swearwolf," Peter says his voice lathered with amusement. Sirius laughs gruffly from his place in his bed head buried in his pillow, 

"I needed that. Thanks, Wormy," Sirius mumbles rolling out of bed and hitting the floor with a loud thump.

"Every time it's not funny," I tell them,

"But it is Moony. It is." James says seriously with a snicker at the end. I groan and roll my eyes,

"Just answer the question," I say sitting up and holding the palms of my hands over my eyes trying to stop my headache,

"Well, Nat came out of the fireplace obviously, we bombarded her with questions she snapped saying this was the date one of her family members died. We all felt bad. the girls had a group hug. We had a group hug, and we all went to bed. End of story," James responds with a shrug as he finishes buttoning up his shirt. I nod slowly but last night just seems to be fuzzy,

"Why did you ask Moony?" Peter asks me looking at me with a slightly concerned look,

"I couldn't remember," Shrugging I get up out of bed, "Probably had a headache from the upcoming full moon and the stress of yesterday," I say thinking about the only reasonable reason why I couldn't remember.

"That's probably it," Sirius comments from his spot on the floor with a shrug.


A few days later


I groggily get up out of bed and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a black singlet along with my wand. Yawning as I make my way downstairs into the Gryffindor common room, knowing that by now Remus will have transformed into Moony and the boys will be with him. Slowly make my way out of the common room into the halls of the castle until I walk outside breathing in the night air. Glancing around and looking up into the windows most lights are off, so with one last look around I shift into the wolf and trot over the grounds of Hogwarts until I reach the Whomping Willow. A howl rips through the air as I enter the tunnel and with a final deep breath, I walk through the tunnel for the last time before the summer.

"I can't believe we are done with fifth year," Alice sighs wistfully,

"Yeah can't believe it," I comment with a smile in Alice's direction, I can't believe I've done the fifth year again, I scoff in my head

"Oh I hope I went ok with my O.W.Ls," Lily adds making Marlene and I groan,

"Please no more studying," Marlene begs her head falling on the table,

"Or school," I add with a cheeky smirk in Umbridge's direction,

"Godric this will be fun," Marlene says amusement lacing her voice as she raises her head from the table hearing my tone,

"What did you d-" Lily starts only for Mary to shush her as Dumbledore stands raising his hands requesting silence, Demanding for like it,

"Another year gone!" Dumbledore says cheerfully. "What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are all a little fuller than they were ... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts ... Now, as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor, with two hundred and twelve points, in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw have four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two." The Slytherin table bursts into cheers many Slyhtherins look to Gryffindor's table to mock us. I manage to catch the look of Evan, Barty and Regulus, with a smirk I stand up and start clapping along with the rest of my house who got up a few moments earlier and tip a pretend hat to the three Slytherins as a loud bang goes off. All heads turn to the teacher's table before the hall bursts out laughing. Green and silver confetti is falling from the ceiling above Umbridge, who is now covered in green slime. The cheering and whistles get louder and are now joined with laughter,

"That was you wasn't it?" Sirius asks smirking at me,

"So that's why you were smirking," Mary says looking at me with an amused look,

"Of course," I respond with a mischievous glint in my eyes and a smug smirk tugging on my lips, "I had to send Fabian and Gideon off with one final laugh," Looking down the table I spot Fabian and Gideon among the other 7th year graduates, feeling my eyes on them they turn to look at me. With a final look at the two I tip an imaginary hat to them, the look at me with an amused look before chuckling and shaking their heads at me before doing the same. I guess this year hasn't been too bad, I think with a smile.


A/N Omg!!! I'm finally done with fifth year! I can't believe how long this dragged on while writing it

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