To say Professor Hawk quietly became one of the favourite teachers in the school would be an understatement. We did our theory on the go, every time she taught us how to do a new spell, a roll of parchment about it. Sirius and James absolutely loved having all the practical lessons but not so much the roll or two of parchment after each lesson.
Lia was spending the day with us today, a week or two ago she started alternating. To say we all stayed up late last night in the common room is an understatement. Lia yawns and rests her head on my shoulder during lunch where Sirius and James don't seem to be sharing the same sleep-deprived struggle as Lia, Wormy, and myself.
"Ok, so Prongs and I were thinking-" Sirius starts making Lia look up from my shoulder and I turn my attention from the loose hair that kept poking out from behind her ear no matter how many times Lia pushed it back to the two of them,
"No. No thinking. For at least three business days," She grumbles and I can vividly imagine her glare pinned on the two of them. James huffs and pouts and Sirius grumbles something under his breath quietly enough it seems only I can hear,
'No fun, it was a good idea,' while blowing some hair out of his face. I roll my eyes and Peter quietly lets out a small sigh of relief before resting his head back on the table beside his plate of food he's barely touched. Lia rests her head back against my shoulder as she picks some food off my plate and plops it in her mouth,
"Excuse me?" I chuckle my tone jokingly accusatory as I turn my head to the side to actually look at her. Lia looks up at me with a smirk and suddenly the dark circles under her eyes don't look so dark,
"What?" She asks, Lia's voice screams innocently while the look on her face says something completely different. I roll my eyes and look at her unamused,
"What do you think?" I ask her sarcasm dripping from my voice heavily. She just shrugs at me and stops looking up at me and closes her eyes resting her head back on the side. The action causes me to let out a sigh mixed with a sigh. When I look up from her Sirius and James are looking at me with amused expressions that both look smug. My lips form a small scowl in their direction only making them snicker quietly.
Towards the end of lunch McGonagall walks down the table handing out pieces of paper. Lia isn't even paying attention but the rest of us boys certainly are looking down the table curiously wondering what it could be. When Professor McGonagall walks to us, her eyes dart ti Lia for a moment the corner of her lip tightly up slightly before she regains control over her facial expression,
"These are your amended schedule for the week, Professor Hawk is teaching something in groups of year levels. You along with the 7th, 5th, and other 6th years will be in the 7th classroom on the 5th floor after lunch," She tells us and only then does Lia peak one eye open curiously as Professor McGonagall hands each of us our timetables and leaves Lia's on the table in front of her. When she moves on Lia reaches out and grabs her schedule and looks over it with a shrug before dropping it back down on the table,
"Should be interesting...shouldn't t?" Lia says yawning in the middle of her sentence adjusting her position on my shoulder. I feel her breath against my neck and the hairs on the back of my neck raise and I stiffly nod,
"Should be," James says excitedly and turns to Sirius and a tired Peter to try to come up with an idea of what we are doing, leaving me and Lia alone. We continue to eat my lunch in relative peace, me eating most of it and Lia occasionally popping something into her mouth and giving me a smug smile each time I don't manage to catch her.
The four of us pretty much have to drag a very reluctant Lia to defence on the 5th floor. The classroom that normally goes unused is extremely large still feeling spacious even with all of 7th, 6th and 5th year in here.
"Come on everyone make a large circle around the closet and I," Professor Hawk directs us all, Sirius and James lead Lia, myself and Peter to as close as the front they can get which ends up being the third row. Only a few more students filter in after us back sticking to the back instead of pushing through to the front like we did. "Today I decided to bring your year levels together as I believe it will be beneficial for me to get through three-year levels in one go instead of explaining it 12-15 times," She starts to explain her comment making Jame, Sirius, and Nat fight back chuckles,
"So today we will be doing boggarts," Professor Hawk continues and I feel Lia stiffen beside me. A few complates ring out through the room but no one is quite brave enough to say it loud enough to get themselves identified. When everyone calms down a bit she continues, "As I was saying, we will be doing boggarts because not all of them will be as tame as the ones you dealt with in third year. So I'll be showing you what a really dangerous boggart acts like," Hawk finishes with a small smile on her face as she bangs her first on the closet beside her. Many people take steps back when the cupboard shakes so violently it looks like it's about to fall over.
"Still feeling cocky?" She questions loudly as the cupboard's shaking dies down a bit, "No? Does everyone remember the spell?" Everyone nods and so does she, I lean down to whisper in Lia's ear,
"You ok?" I whisper next to her ear and Lia nods her loose strand of hair tickling my cheek. My body fights off a shiver,
"I'm ok," Her voice is small but strong which is almost good enough for me,
"You sure?" I ask again and Lia nods again,
"Remmy," She says before pausing for extra effect and to prove a point to me, "I'm all good," I can't fight her anymore without her getting mad. I can just tell so I nod as Professor Hawk opens the closet and people start taking turns. Lia and I both subconsciously end up staying back making it obvious to me, that we both really don't want to face what scares us most. I know what scares me most but what could possibly scare the girl beside me who I can't help but see as invincible?

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time Travel
FanficDuring the battle of Hogwarts Natalia Rose Fisher, stands up and faces Voldemort. She is seeking revenge for killing one of her best friends Harry Potter, she gets killed and finds out she's not who she thinks she is and lands back in time surrounde...