"Is Remus still in the Hospital Wing?" Natalia whispered during Study Hall as she sat down between me and Wormy,"Yes, he is," I sigh thinking about how tired Remus was after playing with his new wolf friend until an hour before sunrise. Natalia digs into her bag pulling out a small pile of blank paper and I send her a questioning look, "It's blank," I state not really trusting her because of how close she is to Remus so quickly.
"To everyone but me and Remus," She laughs, "So you can't steal the notes I made for Remus,"
"Damn Moony wasn't kidding he really does have every class with you," I whistled flicking through the pages there must be at least 3 for every class Remus missed.
"Yeah, just promise you'll give them to him," Natalia says looking me in the eyes,
"Of course I will. We Marauders try to take notes but I think Moony will like yours more," She moves to stand up, ruffles Wormy's hair, and smiles at us before tipping an imaginary hat to us,
"Good doing business with you Prongs, thanks for the seat Wormtail," Walking off she sits down in between Marlene and Lily. Marlene says something to her causing her to shake her head with a smile before Natalia starts writing on Marlene's parchment.
"You're staring at Gryffindor. Got a new crush?" Sirius teases sitting down opposite us and nudges my foot making me look away.
"Have you ever seen her do homework or assignments?" I ask out of the blue,
"Yeah, I see her doing them in class," Wormy answers before stressing over his transfiguration homework. She's smarter than she lets on, I think before doing my potions assignment.
3 full moons later
A/n February, March this one is April 14th
When I turn around I see the top I threw in the direction of Remus covering his lower half I let out a sigh. I whisper the healing spell over the small scratches on his arms and torso before pulling up a floorboard with my medical kit. I open one of the creams and gently apply them to the bigger scratches that wouldn't heal and wrap a few bandages around his torso gently lifting him. A sudden warmth fills my chest when he wraps his arms around my waist and tries to bury his head in my lap.
"Fuck Remmy you can't do that I have to go before your gang wakes up," I murmur under my breath carefully unwrapping his arms from me and slowly scooting away and packing up my stuff just as I hear Sirius stirring I flee the room and look back holding the doorway I held so many years ago. The night of the Sheiking Shack third year flashes through my mind just like every other place forcing me to think about what I lost coming here. Tears start leaving my eyes as Jack's face is at the front of my mind, shifting into Goldpaw (Her lion) I sprint from the shack and through the passage as fast as I can letting my body take me where I go. The face of my other half not leaving my mind for a second no matter where I run. Finally, I end up at my willow, shifting back my head hitting the tree in exhaustion from running with the boys the people I came back for, and from running away from the person I left, Is he behind me or in front of me? I think as a sob leaves my lips thinking about how much fun my twin would have trying to figure it out. Tears strumming from my eyes I let the songs that have been in my mind for four months leave my mouth for the first time, I sing looking up at the stars.
I distantly hear Prongs, Pads, and Wormtail talking in hushed tones so I force myself to wake up but m shocked to feel bandages around my torso knowing none of the boys know how to.

The Girl From Tomorrow ~ Remus Lupin ~ Marauders Time Travel
FanfictionDuring the battle of Hogwarts Natalia Rose Fisher, stands up and faces Voldemort. She is seeking revenge for killing one of her best friends Harry Potter, she gets killed and finds out she's not who she thinks she is and lands back in time surrounde...