chapter one, baby brother

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a fourteen year old aviva mccall glances over at a sixteen year old camden lahey, her looking down at the pages of her book, every now and then her dark brown eyes glancing at camden with a little smile.

camden smirking at her, raising an amused brow at her. "is there something you want to say?" camden intensely looks into her eyes without a smile.

"why don't you have a girlfriend?" aviva bluntly asks.

camden scoffs a laugh, leaning close to her, his heated breath fanning close to her face, whispering closely. "...are you offering?"

aviva scoffs nervously, slightly rolling her eyes, then looking back to her book. "are you going to teach me to do this thing? because i suck at math."

camden hums, amusingly smirking at her, him getting close to her to look over whatever problem she's having.

"okay, so, first off..." camden swiped his fingers around her neck, to move her dark brown hair behind her back.

aviva felt camden's fingers swiped across her shoulder, her eyes looking away from the book then turned her body around, her looking at camden.

aviva suddenly leaned forward, her capturing his lips into a kiss, eyes closed just savoring the touch.

camden then held onto her shoulders, pulling her away, a look of dominance in his blue eyes. "don't do that again."

"i-i'm sorry, i really am, you know you was just---ugh, i gotta go." aviva says embarrassed, quickly getting up, getting her things.

"you don't have to leave, you didn't even let me finish." camden says.

"about telling me how idiotic i was behaving? no, thank you." aviva scoffs.

aviva then quickly ran out of the room, not waiting for him to say anything, her bumping into camden's father on the way, which clearly made her scream out in fright, her then seeing the look of confusion and weird-out on his face, her palming her mouth with her hand.

aviva awkwardly laughs. "hey! mr. lahey."

"...aviva." camden's father slowly says in acknowledgement.

"bye!" aviva awkwardly says, then going pass him.

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right now, in the time of the present, it was night in the town of beacon hills and several beacon county sheriff's department deputies pull up to the preserve in their police cruisers.

at least a dozen officers get out of their vehicles, some with k9 unit dogs, the sounds of the loud barking that came from the dogs echoed all throughout the darkened woods, as if sensing something.

something terrible and evil.

their pointy ears raised high, aggressive sight of emotions in their eyes.

deputies grabbed onto the latch that they had their dogs on, flashlights in their hands.

the dogs then started a sudden noise of whimpering, as if feeling something.

the deputies walked with their dogs, flashing through the dark area they were walking.

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scott mccall is sitting on his bed in his room, him wearing on a pair gym shorts, him then re-threading the laces on his lacrosse stick, then when he was done he threw it on the bed.

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