chapter four, the punisher

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a seventeen dark blonde curly haired teenager, who was soaked wet from head to toe was sitting on the grassy ground that was covered by a blanket, nearby the river, his arms securely wrapped around a fifteen year old latina, whom he had straddling his waist, her knees bent on either sides of his hips, her fingers combing through his wet curls, droplets of water sleeking from her fingertips.

the older teenager slipped his wet fingers up her thighs, the feeling of his cold fingers, due to the freezing water caused her to softly gasp, goosebumps appearing on her skin.

him using this as an opportunity to kiss her with that same wild and raw manner he has always used, him smirking as he felt her kissing him back, him instantly slipping his tongue into hers, bringing her body in closer.

her hands on either sides of his face as she continued in what he was starting, many would say that she may have been manipulated or brainwashed by the one that was slowly sliding his fingers up to her waist, sliding across her back, drawing abstract shapes on her back.

her father, derek, henrik–––actually most of everyone she knew.

but, honestly, she didn't care, he was the one there for her and she really deeply love him.

others would disagree and say it's what her mind is tricking her to believe, saying she's being brainwashed by the older teen.

his hands went down to her hips, pushing her forward and backward, hard and rough on him, him becoming pleased as she followed the actions, his fingernails digging into her back, his head in her neck as he left rough bruises on her neck, her slightly whimpering at the abuse on her neck.

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inside the animal clinic, scott mccall was laid on the metal table, the huge gash that was visibly seen on his stomach that was done by derek hale was moving one at a time to heal itself, which confused him, he thought it would've healed by now.

scott's brows frowned in confusion as he saw deaton with a clear plastic bottle in his hands. "what is that?"

"rubbing alcohol." deaton says in an obvious tone.

scott uneasily looked at his boss as he dabbed the rubbing alcohol on his stomach.

"you don't want it to get infected, do you?" deaton face him a look.

"you'll heal, but not as fast, after what derek did to you." deaton says.

scott surprisingly looks at him. "how do y- how do you know about this?"

"it's an alpha wound, scott, alpha wounds cut deeply and it slows down the body's healing ability, which means-." aviva's voice entered inside the room.

"it'll heal slower than usual." scott sighs out.

"you're learning." aviva rubbed his head, ruffling his hair.

"i would learn faster, if you tell me everything you know and everything." scott accused.

aviva just smiles. "we should just stick to the basics."

scott stares at her offensively, thinking she was insulting him.

"but, are you okay?" aviva concerningly whispers.

scott grunts. "yeah, it's okay..."

aviva hums, her then digging her fingers into his wound, making him yelp in pain, deaton looking at her in shock.

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