chapter three, birthmark

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in the night time, out in the beacon hills' preserve, chris argent led the werewolves through a certain area where cora and boyd was last seen.

"you were tracking them by print?" argent questions.

scott sighs out with a slight shrug. "trying to..."

jesse ortiz, who followed in pursuit with derek hale, looked over at the veteran hunter. "is there something wrong?"

"you're wasting your time, all of you, there's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints and that's man." argent states.

"and, if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that these footprints are boyd and-."

"cora!" isaac quickly says with a smile.

"nope." argent says, making the lahey frown. "you trampled over cora's footprints."

"listen, i know the four of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to boyd and cora, who have fully given in, they put the pedal on the floor where you four are barely hitting the speed limit." argent looks at them.

"you're the hunter, tell us what to do." jesse then says.

derek looks over at the dark eyed man, burning him with his gaze which had the man eternally rolling his eyes.

"focus on your senses of smell, actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent." argent then says. "and, remember, we're not just hunting wild animals, underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings."

argent then turned to look at derek. "when was the last time you saw your sister?"

"not in years, i thought she died in the fire." derek states.

"do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" argent then asks but derek just simply ignores his question.

"confident in your skills there, jesse?" argent looks at him.

"hm, yeah, i sure am." jesse says, but his voice felt as if he distanced.

"if you keep glaring at me, derek, we won't solve anything." jesse says, without looking at him.

"why are they...?" isaac points in between both men.

scott sighs, shaking his head as if saying he doesn't know.

"well, here's the thing, boyd and cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds." argent adds. "and who knows when they'll be satisfied."

"we're not killing them." scott interrupted as he saw isaac opening his mouth.

"what if we can't catch them?" derek questions.

"then maybe we need to contain them." argent says. "there's no one in the school at night, is there?"

derek blinks at argent, looking at him as if he has lost his mind. "you want to trap them in the school?"

"if there's a strong enough door with no windows or access to the outside." argent shrugs slightly.

"what about the boiler room? it's just one big steel door." isaac suggests.

"you sure no one's at school?" argent asks for confirmation.

"like who? a murder? a psychopath? then, no, there's no one harmless at the school, i don't think so." jesse then says.

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