chapter fourteen, skin of a human

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walking through the woods at night was scott mccall and stilinski, both boys had dragged aviva mccall out of bed, remembering that she knows about where the coyote territories.

talk about a switch.

scott and stiles travelled their way inside the coyote's cave whilst aviva had a look around the dark forest, her then looking out for both teenagers but noticed neither was around and saw them stepping inside the cave, her making fast steps towards them.

"got anything?" stiles whispers to scott.

"you two shouldn't be in here." aviva's voice whispers in the dark cave.

"i was going to say the same thing." scott whispers, staring at his sister in surprise.

stiles stares in between them. "wow, that's uncanny."

"seriously, we can't be here." aviva warns.

"no, right, our scent is so strong here." scott agrees.

walking out of the cave, stiles looks in between the two mccalls with confused looks. "what does–––that mean?"

"we invaded her home, she wouldn't be coming back." scott answers.

"it's kind of like marked territory, and, us...tainted her territory and she isn't going be happy." aviva then sighs out.

"all right, and since you're briefing me on your KNOWLEDGE OF THE COYOTE, mind telling me where she'd go if not in her own home?" stiles asks.

"she'd find another place." aviva the says, stiles nodding at her answer.

"and then come out to rip your throats apart at night for ruining her home." aviva bluntly states, making the stilinski stare at her with a horrified expression, her grinning at him.

"scott, you're the werewolf, you can find her scent." aviva reminds.

scott had an uneasy expression on his face, fear written on his face as the thought of him turning still scared him. "u-um, i...uh, why don't you?"

"why don't i, what?" aviva confusingly looks at him.

"you can try and find her, i mean, sheriff told me that there was this coyote who used to always follow you around." scott nervously says.

stiles' eyes widened in front of the mccall's siblings as he saw the huge coyote in front of them.

aviva turns to stiles, noticing the look on his face. "what's wrong with your face?"


scott followed his vision and saw coyote malia in front of them, her paws slammed against the dirt, her face wrinkled up as her lips was curled into a snarl, a threatening low growl escaping her, eyes glowing a blue icy color.

scott crouched down on the floor, eyes glowing a burning red color, the coyote becoming alarmed, stepping backwards.

the coyote's eyes then switched over to where aviva stood, the coyote growls lowly then sped off.

scott had risen from his position and looked at stiles and aviva.

"are you seriously telling me she is that girl that went missing and she was in front of me the entire time?" aviva scoffs, a breathless sigh escaping her.

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the next morning at the mccall's household, the car that belonged to aviva mccall pulled up in front of the house, the tan skinned brunette turned her head outside the window to see her father leaning against the railing that was lached onto a few steps that led to the front door.

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