chapter ten, date with the alpha

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scott mccall was trying to get through with his sister to talk to her about what stiles had just told him about who the alpha was and figured there was a connected between them.

the mccall tried three tries, but couldn't get through to her, which confused him, wondering what she was doing that made her ignored his calls.

the mccall stepped inside the locker room but as he did, he saw peter hale twisting his lacrosse stick around with a confused expression.

"i really don't understand lacrosse, you know–––back in high school we used to play basketball, now, that was a real sport, ask your sister, she'll tell you." peter states.

how many people does aviva know?

scott had a shock express on his face as his looked at the hale man. "it was you, at the school...all those murders..."

"you know–––i've read somewhere that native americans played lacrosse to solve conflicts, and me? i have a little conflict that i need to resolve." peter hints, throwing the stick aside.

scott sternly replies. "i'm not helping you kill people."

"well, it won't be all, just the ones that deserve it, others wouldn't get hurt, like..." peter trails off.

"...allison." derek informs with a hint of annoyance.

scott scoffs in disbelief at derek. "are you with him? are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?"

"people make mistakes." derek shrugs.

"look, scott, i can help you, as well as aviva-." peter was saying.

scott quickly interjects, squinting his eyes at him. "help her? h-how can you help her? why'd you want to help her?" scott confusingly looks at him, him then glancing at derek, who seemed guilty for some reason.

"what is going on? is there–––is there something i should know...?" scott battered derek with questions.

"lets just say... you'll be doing her a great favor by giving her something that she lost." peter hints.

"lost?" scott cluelessly asks.

"you're slow." peter sighs out loudly.

"look, i don't want anything from you, neither does her, i don't care about what happened with you and the argents, that's between you and then, ju-just keep aviva and i out of it." scott demands.

"hm, i probably should just show you." peter calmly says, taking a step towards the clueless beta.

peter quickly got to scott, grabbing a hold of his neck, his claws quickly extends, impaled onto the back of his neck, sending the mccall in a frozen state.

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sitting nearby a lake was aviva mccall, the cool gentle breeze hitting against her tan skin, her long dark brown locks flowed across her back, her with her hands clasped together, kicking her legs back and forth gentle, her staring at her reflection in the water.

just then the tan skinned girl felt someone sitting next to her, her feeling a shadow hovering over her, the girl's dark brown eyes looking next to her, her eyes connecting with familiar blue ocean colored eyes.

"mind if i join you?"

aviva shrugs, slightly shaking her head.

"aviva? you mightn't like me right now, but, i was going to tell you, you know?" henrik says.

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