chapter two, nikolai

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as the elevator slid down, there was a silence circling through the air, engulfing both jesse and aviva, the human latina pressed her body against the cold steel wall, her looking at the buttons that changed color every second, whilst avoiding jesse's gaze on her.

as it reached a stop, she rushed out without saying anything, her running to get to her car, but couldn't get far.

"what was that, aviva?" jesse wonders.

"me, leaving?" she says in a confused tone.

jesse sighs out, his tone softening. "i meant back at the hospital, you just froze up."

aviva shrugs. "he was a scary looking guy, ennis, right?"

aviva went to unlock her car but saw jesse in front of her, making her look at him.

"fine, you big baby!" aviva rolls her eyes, a look of irritation in her eyes. "he almost bit me, all right? there, happy?"

"why didn't you say anything?" jesse asks.

innocence filled her dark doe eyes. "i just did."

jesse groans softly. "aviva, you are-."

"want me to drop you home? come on." aviva then smiles at him, unlocking her car.

her then seeing jesse just staring at her, which made her gave him an encouraging look.

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"what do you mean 'what'?"

"you know what i mean when i say 'what'."


stiles rolls his eyes at scott's cluelessness, both boys walking into a house that was having a party in full swing, while stiles seemed excited, the mccall seemed like he didn't want to be here.

"what's with the look?"

scott confusingly looks at his best friend. "what look?"

"the look that says you'd rather be anywhere but here." stiles says.

"it's just weird going to another high school party." scott shrugs his shoulder, anxiety taking over him.

stiles groans out in frustration. "just one drink!" stiles then sighs out. "look, i have known this girl since nursery and she promised that she'd introduced us to her friends."

scott didn't seem so confident, which stiles noticed.

"hey, from this night on, we're moving on, okay? no more allison." stiles urges.

scott deeply sighs out, him nodding as he was thinking that this could be a way to prove his sister wrong.

"but, why you? i thought you had a little thing for amaris?" scott questions.

stiles faked a smile. "turns out amaris has a thing for someone else, not my problem." him then walked away, urging scott to follow him.

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inside derek hale's loft where the man was, he had the company of his only present beta, both waiting on a certain person that neither likes, but since isaac seems so lost with his memories he's like their best bet.

isaac looks over at derek. "why can't you do it? you did it with aviva, why not with me?"

"that was sheer of good luck, i don't know if i can actually do it with you." derek numbly looks at him.

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